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127873874 57329015 Hindi to English Dictionary - [PDF Document] (5)

127873874 57329015 Hindi to English Dictionary - [PDF Document] (6)

Volker Schuermann’s

Bollywood Dictionary - Finally understand the dialogues in your favorite Hindi movies -

Compiled and printed in Germany, April 2001 Converted into PDF in March 2003

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Volker Schuermann’s Bollywood Dictionary It is definitly not a Hindi dictionary! One might call it a Hindustani dictionary, though. The vocabulary consist of words from quite a few different origins: Hindi, Urdu, Persian, Arabic, Turkish, Sanskrit, Greek and English. All those languages have been mixed together to form a new language – Hindustani. A language, the majority of Indian cinema-goers can understand. In order to help Bollywood fans living in the western parts of the world to understand the dialougues in the movies as well, I have created this dictionary. The sort-order of the vocabulary is based on latin script to make it easier to look up words. Also, the Hindustani words are not printed in Devanagari or even Urdu script but in latin letters. ITRANS is used as a transliteration scheme except of a few occasions where Urdu/Arabic words needed special transliteration treatment. Thanks to Avinash Chopde and his team for ITRANS, V .C.Tirumalai for his marvelous URDU dictionary, R. Snell and S. Weightman for their “Te ach yourself Hindi” course and last but not least Krishna M. Sharma for the best Hindi Kosh I have ev er seen! Enjoy your Bollywood movies .... ... and from now on, enjoy understanding the dialogues, as well! Volker Schuermann, April 2001, <[emailprotected]> Transliteration Scheme I (ITRANS) This is the transliteration scheme used by ITRANS version 4.00 (and higher). If you encounter any text that uses this scheme, that text can be printed in the devanagari script using the ITRANS package. Avinash Chopde, Feb 1995, <[emailprotected]> Vowels: a aa or A i ii or I u uu or U R^i R^I L^i L^I e ai o au aM aH Consonants: k kh g gh N^ ch chh j jh jN T Th D Dh N t th d dh n p ph b bh m y r l v sh shh s h

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L x or ksh GY shr Consonants with a nukta (dot) under them (mainly for Urdu devanagari): k with a dot q kh with a dot K g with a dot G j with a dot z p with a dot f D with a dot .D Dh with a dot .Dh Specials/Accents: Anusvara: .n, M (dot on top of previous askhar *--see note at end) Avagraha: .a (S like symbol basically to replace a after o) Ardhachandra: .c (for vowel sound as in cat or talk) Chandra-Bindu: .N (chandra-bindu on top of previous akshar) Halant: .h (to get half-form of the consonant - no vowel - virama) Ra ligature: .r (top curve as in ii to get r sound, half r) (.r put after the intended consonant, e.g u{dhva}.r) Visarga: H (visarga - looks like a colon character) Om: OM, AUM (Om symbol) Consonants have been shown without any vowel, add suffix "a" to produce a normal consonant, example, "jaya" or "jay" for (JA)-(YA), etc. Watch out for ambiguous input: use _ to break lexical scans, example: use "ga_ii" instead of "gaii" when you need (GA)-(VOWEL ii), because "gaii" will be parsed as (GA with dependent VOWEL ai)-(VOWEL i)! But in most cases the _ is not needed... Each devanagari letter is constructed as C + C + C + .. + V (one or more consonants, followed by a vowel). If the vowel is omitted at the end of a word, the "a" vowel will be assumed (use halant - .h to get the short form of the consonant - which is a consonant without any vowel, ex: k.h). Punctuation available: , ; : / ? ! ( ) Note that hyphen (-) is not available --- use \- in the indian text to get a hyphen. Also, use \. to get period (.), for Danda, use | or a period.

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Transliteration Scheme II V.C.Tirumalai’s URDU Dictionary, 1992, <[emailprotected]> Vowel Pronunciation Key a : "u" in "but" aa : "a" in "far" e : "e" in "bed" i : "i" in "fit" ee : "ee" in "feet" o : "o" in "code" u : "u" in "put" oo : "oo" in "booed" au : "ow" in "how" ai : "ei" in "neighbor" Notes: 1. ' indicates a glottal stop (pronounced like "uh") in very careful speech. Normally, however, it is not pronounced at the beginning

of a word and in other positions it represents 'aa'. 2. The combination 'ah' at the end of a word is pronounced like 'aa' or 'e'. For example: 'jagah' could be 'jagaa' or 'jage', i.e., the h is silent. 3. The combination 'ah' or 'aH' in the middle of a word is pronounced

like 'e'. 4. n. (n period) indicates nasalization. 5. a - is used to distinguish between sh and s+h, kh and k+h, etc. Letter Transcription Remarks 'alif a Could also stand for an unspecified initial vowel be b pe p Does not occur in Arabic te t Used in native words Te T Does not occur in Arabic and Persian se s Used in loan words jeem j che ch Does not occur in Arabic baRi he H Used in loan words khe kh daal d Daal D Does not occur in Arabic and Persian zaal z Used in loan words re r Re R Does not occur in Arabic and Persian ze z Used in native words zhe zh Does not occur in Arabic seen s sheen sh

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saad s Used in loan words zaad z Used in loan words to-e t Used in loan words zo-e z Used in loan words ain ' Could also stand for an unspecified initial vowel ghain gh fe f qaaf q kaaf k gaaf g Does not occur in Arabic laam l meem m noon n vaa-o w Stands for oo/o/au at the end of a word. In the middle it could stand for w/oo/o/au chhoTi he h Used in native words chhoTi ye: y Stand for ee/e/ai at the end of a word. In the middle it could stand for y/ee/e/ai baRi ye y Occurs only at the end of a word and stands for e or ai Abbreviations Grammatical Word Origin n.f. : noun feminine P : Persian n.m. : noun masculine A : Arabic pron. : pronoun T : Turkish adj. : adjective H : Hindi v. : verb S : Sanskrit adv. : adverb G : Greek conj. : conjunction intj. : interjection prep. : preposition suff. : suffix pref. : prefix fig. : figurative plu. : plural lit. : literal poet. : poetic Vocabulary a.DsaTh: sixty-eight, 68 a.Dtaaliis: forty-eight, 48 a.Dtiis: thirty-eight, 38 a.Ndheraa (m.): dark, darkness a.Ngrez (m.): Englishman, Englishwoman a.Ngrezii (f.): the English language a.nDaa (m.): egg

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a.ndar (prep.) [P]: within, inside, inward a.ndhaa: blind a.nguur (m.): grape a.nt (m.): end a.ntar (m.): difference aHzaan (n.m.) [A]: sorrows (plu. of huzn) aKabaar (m.): newspaper aTThaanave: ninety-eight, 98 aTThaasii: eighty-eight, 88 aTThaavan: fifty-eight, 58 aTak (n.f.) [H]: obstacle, obstruction aThaaiis: twenty-eight, 28 aThaarah: eighteen, 18 aThahttar: seventy-eight, 78 aTho.n pahar: all day long, constantly aa bood (adj.): nonexistent, annihilated, extinct aa'inah (n.m.) [P]: mirror aa.NguuThaa (m.): thumb aa.NguuThii (f.): finger-ring aa.Nkh (f.): eye aa.Nkho.n (f.): eyes aa.nch (n.f.) [H]: flame, warmth, fervor, loss, grief aa.nchal (n.m.) [H]: corner of the 'dopaTTa' worn by women aa.ndhee (n.f.) [H]: dust-storm, hurricane aa.nsoo (n.m.) [H]: tears aaKir (m.): end, after all, at last aaTh: eight, 8 aaThavaa.N: eighth aab (n.f.) [P]: splendor, elegance, polish, brightness, temper(steel), lustre(gems), sharpness(sword) aab (n.m.) [P]: water aab havaa (f.): climate aab-e-aa'inah (n.f.): polish of a mirror aab-e-chashm (n.m.): tears aab-e-talkh (n.m.): bitter water, tears, wine aabaad (adj.) [P]: populated, inhabited, peopled, prosperous, happy aabhaarii: grateful, indebted aabroo (n.f.) [P]: honor, fame, good name, dignity aadaab (n.m.) [A]: manners aadaab arz (m.): greetings aadar: respect aadaraNiiya: respected, worthy of respect aadat (n.f.) [A]: custom, habit, usage, practice, manner aadh: half aadhaa: half aadhiiraat (f.): midnight aadil (adj.) [A]: just, sincere, righteous aadmii (n.m.) [P]: man (lit. offspring of Adam) aadmiyyat (n.f.) [A]: humanity, human nature, civility aafaat (n.f.) [A]: evils, disasters, misfortunes (plu. of aafat) aaftaab (n.m.) [P]: sun aag (n.f.) [H]: flame, fire (fig. anger, passion, love, lust) aage: forward, ahead, hereafter aage chalakar: in future, from now on aaghosh (n.f, m.) [P]: embrace, lap, bosom aagrah karanaa: to insist aagrahaayaN: the month Agrahayan (Nov-Dec) aah (n.f.) [P]: sigh aahistaa (adv.) [P]: softly, leisurely, slowly

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aaj (m.): today aajakal: nowadays aaji*z (adj.) [A]: powerless, weak, helpless, dejected aakaash (m.): sky aakhaaz (n.m.) [P]: commencement, outset, beginning aakhir (adj.) [A]: last, final aalaap (n.f.) [H]: conversation, preparatory tuning aalam (n.m.) [A]: world, universe, regions, public, beauty, period aalasii: lazy, lethargic aali (adj.) [A]: high, sublime, exalted, grand aalim (adj.) [A]: learned, wise, intelligent aam (adj.) [A]: common, public, general, ordinary (plu. 'awaamm) aam (m.): mango aam taur par: generally, usually aana.nd (m.): joy, pleasure aanaa: to come aap (pron.) [H]: self, selves, respectful term of address aapas me.n: with one another, mutually aaqibat (adv.) [A]: finally, at last aaqibat (n.f.) [A]: end, conclusion, future life aaqil (adj.) [A]: wise, sensible aara'ish (n.f.) [P]: decoration, adornment, beauty aara.nbh (m.): beginning aara.nbh karanaa: to commerce, begin aaraa (adj.) [P]: embellishing, adorning aaraam (n.m.) [P]: rest, repose, respite, relief, ease, comfort aaraam karanaa: to rest aaraam se: comfortably, easily aaraam-kursii (f.): armchair aarzoo (n.f.) [P]: yearning, desire, wish, longing aas (n.f.) [H]: longing, desire, hope, faith, shelter, refuge aas-paas: near about aasaan (adj.) [P]: light, facile, easy aasaanii (f.): ease aasaanii se: easily aasamaan (m.): sky aashaa (n.f.) [S]: desire, hope, longing aashchary (m.): surprise aashhaa.Dh (m.): the month Ashar (Jun-Jul) aashiq (n.m.) [A]: lover, suitor aashiyaa.n (n.m.) [P]: nest, house aashnaa (n.m.) [P]: aquaintance, friend, lover aashuftah (adj.) [P]: perplexed, careworn, distracted, confused aashvin (m.): the month Ashvin (Sep-Oct) aasim (n.m.) [A]: sinner, culprit aasmaan (n.m.) [P]: heaven, sky aasmaani (adj.) [P]: heavenly, celestial, azure aasoodah (adj.) [P]: opulent, rich, satisfied aasraa (n.m.) [H]: means of subsistence, protection, shelter aatish (n.f.) [P]: fire aatmaa (n.f.) [S]: soul, spirit, mind aavaaraa (m.): loafer aavaarah (adj.) [P]: without home aavaarah (n.m.) [P]: wanderer, vagrant, destitute aavaaz (n.f.) [P]: noise, sound, cry, shout, voice aavaazah (n.m.) [P]: rumor, fame, report, reputation aavashyak: necessary aavashyakataa (f.): necessity, need aayandah (adj.) [P]: hereafter, in the future

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aayu (f.): age aaz (n.f.) [P]: ardent desire, lust, covetousness aazaad (n.f.) [P]: free, unrestrained aazaadii (f.): freedom, independence aazardah (adj.) [P]: annoyed, dejected, uneasy, gloomy, sad aazim (adj.) [A]: determined, resolute aazmaa'ish (n.f.) [P]: trial, experiment, testing, proving ab (adv.) [H]: now, presently ab kii baar: this time abad (n.f.) [A]: eternity abas (adj.) [A]: useless, profitless, trifling, idle abd (n.m.) [A]: slave, servant of God abhii: right now abhii tak: yet, up to now abhilaashhaa (f.): desire abnaa' (n.m.) [A]: sons (plu. of ibn) abr (n.m.) [P]: cloud abroo (n.m.) [P]: eyebrow absaar (n.m.) [A]: eyes (plu. of basr) abtar (adj.) [P]: ruined, scattered, worthless achaanak: suddenly achchhaa: good achchhii tarah se: well adaa (n.f.) [A]: payment of debt, settlement adaa (n.f.) [P]: charm, grace, beauty adaalat (n.f.) [A]: court of justice, tribunal, justice, law adam (n.m.) [A]: non-existence, nothing, annihilation adhik: much, more adhik se adhik: at the most adhikaar (m.): right, authority adhikaarii (m.): official adhimaas (m.): leap month adhyaapak (m.): teacher adib (n.m.) [A]: learned, man of letters afsaanah (n.m.) [P]: tale, legend, fiction afsos (n.m.) [P]: regret, remorse, dejection afsurdah (adj.) [P]: melancholy, depressed agahan: month of Agrahayan (Nov-Dec) agalaa: next agar (conj.) [P]: if, in case agarache: although agast: August aghlaat (n.f.) [A]: mistakes (plu. of ghalat) aghyaar (n.m.) [A]: strangers, rivals (plu. of ghair) aisaa: of such a kind, thus, so aise: thus, so, in this way aish (n.m.) [A]: pleasure, delight, luxury, enjoment aiyaash (adj.) [A]: luxurious, rakish, addicted to pleasure ajab (adj.) [A]: wonderful, amazing, strange, rare ajab (n.m.) [A]: wonder, astonishment ajanabii (m.): stranger ajeeb (adj.) [A]: wonderful, surprising, rare, admirable, unique ajnabee (n.m.) [A]: stranger, foreigner, alien akbar (adj.) [A]: greatest (sup. of kabir) akelaa: alone akelaapan: loneliness akhbaar (n.m.) [A]: news, newspaper akhz (n.m.) [A]: grasping, seizing, taking aksar (adj.) [A]: most, much, many, frequent

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aksar (adv.) [A]: frequently, usually, generally, often aksar: often, usually aktuubar (m.): October al (art.) [A]: the alag: separate, apart alamaarii (f.): cupboard, almirah aleem (adj.) [A]: wise, learned alfaaz (n.m.) [A]: words (plu. of lafz) almo.Daa (m.): Almora amR^itasar (m.): Amritsar amaanat (n.f.) [A]: something given in trust, deposit, security amalan (adv.) [A]: practically, truly amerikaa (m.): America amiir: rich, wealthy ammaa.N (f.): Mother, Mummy anaath (m.): orphan andaazah (n.m.) [P]: measurement, guess, rough estimate anjaam (n.m.) [A]: end, conclusion, result, issue anjuman (n.f.) [P]: assembly, meeting, society, council anpa.Dh: illiterate apanaa: one's own apanaanaa: to adopt, make one's own aprail (m.): April aql (n.m.) [A]: intellect, reason, knowledge arazii (f.): application arazii denaa (t.): to apply are: Oh!, Hey!, Come off it! arjmand (adj.) [P]: exalted armaan (n.m.) [P]: desire, yearning, wish arsh (n.m.) [A]: roof, canopy, highest heaven arth (m.): meaning, sense, money arz (n.f.) [A]: land, region, earth arz (n.f.) [A]: petition, request, exposition, review as-haab (n.m.) [A]: lords, masters (plu. of saahib) as.nbhav: impossible asaa.D: the month Asarh (Jun-Jul) asaas (n.f.) [A]: foundation asad (n.m.) [A]: lion asal me.n: in fact, actually asalii: real, genuine asar (n.m.) [A]: mark, sign, trace, effect, influence asar pa.Dnaa (p.): to effect asbaab (n.m.) [A]: causes, motives, means asfaar (n.m.) [A]: voyages, travels (plu. of safar) ashfaaq (n.m.) [A]: favors (plu. of shafaq) ashk (n.m.) [P]: tearS ashqiyaa' (n.m.) [A]: cruel, heartless (plu. of shaqi) asir (n.m.) [A]: prisoner, captive asl (n.m.) [A]: root, foundation, essence (plu. usool) asli (adj.) [A]: original, genuine, real, true aspataal (m.): hospital asqaam (n.m.) [A]: evils, weaknesses, defects (plu. of suqm) asraar (n.m.) [A]: secrets (plu. of sirr) assii: eighty asuvidhaa (f.): inconvenience atf (n.m.) [A]: kindness, favor, affection, present atfaal (n.m.) [A]: children, offspring (plu. of tifl) atr (n.m.) [A]: perfume atyant: extremely

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aulaad (n.f.) [A]: children (plu. of walad) auqaat (n.f.) [A]: status, position auqaat (n.m.) [A]: times (plu. of waqt) aur: and, more aur koii: someone else, some other aur kuchh: something else aurat (n.f.) [A]: woman, wife, nudity avaam (n.m.) [A]: populace, common people (plu. of 'aam) avakash (m.): leisure, leave, free time avashy: certainly avwaal (adj.) [A]: first, excellent, best azaab (n.m.) [A]: torment, pain, punishment azal (n.f.) [A]: eternity, without beginning azeem (adj.) [A]: great, high in dignity, large azeez (adj.) [A]: dear, beloved, honored, respected, worthy bR^ihaspati (m.): Thursday bR^ihaspativaar (m.): Thursday ba (prep.) [P]: by, with, from, in, into, to, on, upon, for, upto ba.Daa: big ba.De-buu.Dhe (m.): elders ba.Dhanaa: to increase, advance ba.Dhyaa: fine, excellent, of good quality ba.NTanaa: to be distributed, shared, divided ba.NTanaa: to distribute, share out ba.Ndhanaa: to be tied, fastened ba.Nh (f.): arm ba.Nkaa: crooked, bent ba.nba_ii (f.): Bombay ba.nd: closed ba.nd honaa (t.): to close ba.nd karanaa (i.): to close ba.ndagi (n.f.) [P]: devotion, worship, service ba.ndar (m.): monkey ba.ndhu (m.): kinsman, brother ba.ndhuvar (m.): kinsman ba.ndish (adj.) [P]: composition, elegance of style, plan, obstruction ba.nduuq (m.): gun ba.ngalaa (f.): the Bengali language baGal (f.): side, flank, armpit baGichaa (m.): garden (small) baHaal (adj.) [A]: status quo, refreshed, happy baHs (n.f.) [A]: dispute, argument, debate, controversy baRhiyaa (adj.) [H]: superior, of good quality, expensive baa (prep.) [P]: with, by, possessed of baa.Dh (f.): flood baa.nkaa (adj.) [H]: curved, crooked, sly, cunning baab (n.m.) [A]: door, gate, chapter, topic, subject baabaa (m.): grandfather baabul (n.m.) [H]: father baachiit (f.): conversation, dialogue, negotiation baad (n.f.) [P]: wind, air, breeze baad: later baad me.n: afterwards, later baadah (n.m.) [P]: wine, spirits baadal (n.m.) [H]: cloud(s) baadiyah (n.m.) [A]: wilderness, desert

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baadiyah (n.m.) [P]: goblet, cup baadshaah (n.m.) [P]: emperor, king baagh (n.m.) [P]: garden, orchard, grove baagh (m.): tiger baahar: outside baaiis: twenty-two, 22 baal (m.): child baal (m.): hair baal baa.Nka na honaa: to escape unhurt baal-bachche (m.): children, family baalaTii (f.): bucket baalak (m.): child baalam (n.m.) [S]: a lover, sweet-heart, husband baam (n.m.) [P]: upper storey, terrace, balcony baan (suff.) [P]: signifying keeper or guardian baanave: ninety-two, 92 baano (n.f.) [P]: lady, gentlewoman baap (m.): father baaqee (adj.) [A]: remaining, lasting baaqee (n.f.) [A]: residue, remainder, arrears baaqii (f.): remaining, left over, remainder baar (n.m.) [H]: time, turn, chance, opportunity, delay, obstacle baar (n.m.) [P]: burden, load, permission, grief, court baarah (n.m.) [P]: time, turn, about, in regard of baarah: twelve, 12 baareek (adj.) [P]: fine, slender, delicate, difficult, subtle baarish (n.m.) [P]: rain baarish honaa: to rain, rain to fall baasaTh: sixty-two, 62 baat (n.f.) [H]: word, saying, speech, tale, news, question, business, proposal, point, gossip, substance baat: thing, matter, idea, thing said baat karanaa se: to talk, converse baate.n honaa: a conversation to take place baavan: fifty-two, 52 baayaa.N: left (direction) baaz (adv.) [P]: again, back, refusing baaz (n.m.) [P]: falcon baaz (suff.) [P]: denotes doer, agent baazaar (n.m.) [P]: market, bazaar baazaar garam honaa: to be doing brisk business baazaaree (adj.) [P]: common, low, vulgar, relating to the market baazii (n.f.) [P]: sport, game, wager, turn (in a game) baazichah (n.m.) [P]: toy, fun, sport baazoo (n.m.) [P]: arm, fold of a door, flank of an army bachaanaa: to save, rescue bachanaa: to be saved, escape, survive bachapan (m.): childhood bachchaa (m.): child bad (adj.) [P]: bad, wicked, evil bad akhtar (adj.): unfortunate bad anjaam (adj.): having a bad end bad chalan (adj.): of bad conduct, ill-mannered, immoral bad du'aa (n.f.): curse, malediction bad khvaab (n.m., f.): nightmare bad m'aash (adj.): roguish bad naam (adj.): disreputable, notorious, ignominous bad naseeb (adj.): unfortunate, unlucky bad sirat (adj.): ill-tempered

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bad soorat (adj.): ugly bad tar (adj.): worse, inferior badal (n.m.) [A]: exchange, change, substitution badalanaa: to change badan (n.m.) [A]: body badhaaii (f.): congratulations, felicitations badlaa (n.m.): exchange, retaliation, revenge badmaash (m.): rogue, villain badr (n.m.) [A]: full moon baghaavat (n.f.) [A]: revolt, rebellion, disloyalty baghal (n.f.) [P]: armpit, side bahaadur (adj.) [P]: brave, valiant, high-spirited bahaanah (n.m.) [P]: excuse, pretext, evasion, reason bahaar (n.f.) [P]: spring, prime, bloom, beauty, glory, delight bahan (f.): sister bahanoii (m.): sister's husband bahattar: seventy-two, 72 bahin (f.): sister bahut: very, much, many bahut-saa: much, quite a lot bahuu (f.): daughter-in-law, wife bai.nk (m.): bank baiThaa: sitting, seated baiThaanaa: to make sit baiThanaa: to sit bairaa (m.): waiter, "bearer" baisaakh (m.): the month Vaisaakh (Apr-May) bait (n.f.) [A]: couple, verse bait (n.m.) [A]: house, abode bajaanaa: to play (an instrument) bajanaa: to resound, ring, chime bakhshish (n.f.) [P]: gift, donation, reward, alms, tip bakht (n.m.) [P]: good fortune, luck, prosperity baksaa (m.): box balaa (n.m.) [A]: calamity, distress, trial, misfortune balki (?.): but rather banaanaa: to make bananaa: to become, be made bandah (n.m.) [P]: slave, servant, individual, man baraabar (adj.) [P]: equal, even, level, alike, opposite, accurate baraabar [H]: constantly, continuously baraamdaa (m.): verandah bardaasht (n.f.) [P]: endurance, tolerance, patience bardaasht karanaa: to tolerate, endure, stand barf (f.): snow, ice barkat (n.f.) [A]: abundance, prosperity, blessing, auspiciousness barsaat (n.f.) [H]: rain, rainy season bas (adj.) [P]: sufficient, enough, plenty basa.nt (m.): spring season basanaa: to settle, inhabit, be situated basar (n.f.) [A]: sight, vision, the eye baseraa (n.m.) [H]: roosting, a night's lodging, shelter bashar (n.m.) [A]: man, mortal basheer (adj.) [A]: a messenger of good news bast (n.m.) [P]: obstacle, knot, asylum, sanctuary bataanaa: to tell battii (f.): light, lamp battiis: thirty-two, 32 bayaabaan (n.m.) [P]: desert, wilderness

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bayaaliis: forty-two, 42 bayaan (n.m.) [A]: description, statement, account bayaasii: eighty-two, 82 bazm (n.f.) [P]: assembly, company (at a feast or entertainment) be 'izzat (adj.): without honor or respect be (pref.) [P]: without, void of be Hadd (adj.): endless, boundless be Hayaa (adj.): shameless, impudent, bare-faced be a.ndaazah (adj.): unlimited, endless be aabroo (adj.): dishonorable be adab (adj.): rude, unmannerly be bas (adj.): helpless, weak be chain (adj.): restless, uneasy be daad (n.f.): iniquity, injustice, oppression be daagh (adj.): spotless, without blemish, innocent be dard (adj.): without feeling, pitiless, merciless be fikr (adj.): free from care or worry be gham (adj.): happy, without sorrow be gunaah (adj.): innocent, guiltless be hosh (adj.): unconscious be hunar (adj.): unskilled be i'tibaar (adj.): untrustworthy, discredit be iHtiyaati (n.f.): incautiousness be ikhtiyaari (n.f.): helplessness, without choice be imaan (adj.): faithless, liar, cheat be imtiyaaz (adj.): indiscriminating be insaaf (adj.): unfair, unjust be ittifaaqi (n.f.): discord, disunity be jaan (adj.): lifeless be jurm (adj.): faultless be kaar (adj.): idle, unemployed, useless be kas (adj.): friendless, lonely be khabar (adj.): uninformed, ignorant, stupid be khataa (adj.): faultless, innocent be khud (adj.): enraptured, in ecstasy, delirious, senseless be ma'ni (adj.): meaningless, absurd be naam (adj.): without name, character or reputation be naseeb (adj.): unfortunate be nazir (adj.): unequalled, matchless, unique be pardah (adj.): unveiled, immodest, exposed be parvaa (adj.): heedless, indifferent, above want be qadr (adj.): worthless be qaraar (adj.): uneasy, restless, unsettled be qusoor (adj.): innocent, not guilty be rahm (adj.): merciless, cruel be riyaa (adj.): without guile, candid, sincere be saaz (adj.): without tools or apparatus be sabab (adj.): without cause or reason be sabr (adj.): impatient be sakhtah (adj.): artless, unaffected, natural, plain be sharm (adj.): shameless, immodest be taab (adj.): restless, powerless, impatient be taaqat (adj.): powerless be taasir (adj.): ineffectual, useless be tameez (adj.): indiscreet, rude, uncultured be vafaa (adj.): faithless, ungrateful, treacherous be vajh (adj.): without cause be vaqoof (adj.): foolish, stupid, dolt be zaar (adj.): disgusted, displeased

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be zabaan (adj.): dumb, speechless, modest be zar (adj.): destitute, poor beTaa (m.): son beTii (f.): daughther, girl bechaaraa: poor, wretched, helpless bechanaa: to sell bedaar (adj.) [P]: awake, alert, vigilant begaanah (adj.) [P]: strange, alien, foreign behatar: better bekaar: useless, out of work, unemployed beshak: of course bevaquuf (m.): foolish, fool bezaar (adj.) [P]: displeased, angry, out of humor bha_ii: eh, well, etc. bhaa.Njaa (m.): sister's son bhaa.Njii (f.): sister's daughter bhaabhii (f.): brother's wife bhaado.n (m.): the month Bhaadrapad (Aug-Sep) bhaadrapad (m.): the month Bhaadrapad (Aug-Sep) bhaag (m.): part, portion bhaaganaa: to run, flee, escape bhaaii (m.): brother bhaanaa: to fill; to be filled bhaarat (m.): India bhaarat sarkaar (f.): the Indian Government bhaaratavarshh (m.): India bhaaratiiy (m.): Indian bhaarii: heavy bhaashhaa (f.): language bhaav (m.): rate, price bhagavaan (m.): God bhagavadgiitaa (f.): Bhagavad Gita bhaiyaa (m.): brother bhatiijaa (m.): brother's son bhatiijii (f.): brother's daughter bhavadiiy, bhavadiiyaa: yours sincerely, yours faithfully bhaya.nkar: terrible, fearful bhe.nT (f.): gift; meeting bhejanaa: to send bheshh (m.): appearance, guise bhii: also, too; even bhii .. bhii: both .. and bhii.D (f.): crowd bhii.D-bhaa.D (f.): hustle and bustle bhiitar: inside, within bhikhaarii (m.): beggar bhinn: different bhojan (m.): food bhojan karanaa: to eat, dine bhool (n.f.) [H]: forgetfulness, omission, mistake, lapse, fault bhool bhulayyaa.n: a maze, labyrinth bhuukh (f.): hunger bhuulakar bhii: even by mistake bhuulanaa: to forget bhuut (m.): ghost bi (prep.) [A]: by, with, from, in, into, near, on, for, towards biga.Danaa: to be spoiled, to lose temper bii.Dii (f.): small cigarette rolled in leaf biich (m.): middle

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biich me.n: meanwhile, in the meantime biimaar: ill biimaarii (f.): illness biis: twenty, 20 biitanaa: to pass, be spend (of time) biivii (f.): wife bijalii (f.): electricity, lightning bikanaa: to be sold bilakul: absolutely billaur (n.m.) [P]: crystal, crystal glass, transparent billii (f.): cat bimaar (adj.) [P]: sick, ill biraadarii (f.): community, fraternity bisaat (n.f.) [A]: bedding, carpet, chess board, extent, capacity bismil (n.m.) [P]: sacrificial animal, a lover bistar (n.m.) [P]: bed, bedding bitaanaa: to spend, pass (time) bolanaa: to speak, say bood (n.f.) [P]: being, existence botal (f.): bottle braahmaN (m.): Brahmin (priestly caste) braj bhaashhaa (f.): Braj Bhaashaa (Hindi dialect) brek (m.): brake bu.Dhiyaa (f.): old woman buKaar (m.): temperature, fever buaa (f.): aunt, father's sister buddhuu (m.): foolish, fool budh (m.): Wednesday budhavaar (m.): Wednesday bukhaar (n.m.) [A]: steam, temperature, fever, rage bulaanaa: to call, invite buland (adj.) [P]: high, lofty, sublime, exalted, tall, loud bunyaad (n.f.) [A]: foundation buraa: bad burii tarah se: badly buu.Dhaa: old (of people) buujhanaa: to understand buzurg (adj.) [P]: great, venerable, aged, noble, elderly byoraa (m.): details, particulars cashm (n.f.) [P]: eye, hope cha.Dhnaa: to climb, rise, mount, board cha.Nd (n.m.) [H]: the moon chaa.ndani (n.f.) [H]: moonlight chaa.ndi (n.f.) [H]: silver, wealth chaabii (f.): key chaachaa (m.): paternal uncle chaadar (n.f.) [P]: a sheet, veil, waterfall chaah (n.f.) [H]: desire, love, affection, need, choice chaahanaa: to wish, want chaahe .. chaahe: whether .. or chaahe .. yaa: whether .. or chaahi_e: wanted, needed chaakar (m.): servant, menial servant chaal (n.f.) [H]: gait, walk, custom, trick, strategem chaalaak (adj.) [P]: clever, expert, cunning, nimble chaalaakii (f.): craftiness, cunning

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chaalak (m.): driver chaaliis: forty, 40 chaaq (adj.) [T]: active, alert, healthy, fat, hale and hearty chaaqoo (n.m.) [P]: a small knife chaaquu (m.): knife chaar: four, 4 chaarah (n.m.) [P]: remedy, cure, help, aid, resource chaav (m.): fondness, enthusiasm, zeal chaaval (m.): rice chaay (f.): tea chacheraa bhaaii (m.): cousin, son of chaachaa chacherii bahin (f.): cousin, daughter of chaachaa chachii (f.): aunt (wife of chaachaa) chah (suff.) [P]: used to form dimunitives chahal-pahal (f.): hustle and bustle chain (n.m.) [H]: ease, comfort, rest, peace chait (m.): the month Caitra (Mar-Apr) chaitr (m.): the month Caitra (Mar-Apr) chakaa.n (adj.) [P]: dropping, distilling chal basanaa: to die chalaa aanaa: to come along chalaa jaanaa: to go along, set off, leave chalaanaa: to drive, to run, manage chalanaa: to move, go chama.Dii (f.): skin chamak (n.f.) [H]: glitter, splendour, flash, gleam chaman (n.m.) [P]: flower garden chammach (m.): spoon chand (adj.) [P]: how many, how much, few, how often, how long chapaatii (f.): chappatti chappal (f.): sandal charaagaah (n.f.) [P]: meadow, pasture charaagh (n.m.) [P]: lamp chashm-o-chiraagh (m.): light of the eye, dearly beloved chashmaa (m.): glasses, spectacles chasm-e-baddoor: God preserve from evil eyes! chasmak (n.m.) [P]: wink, winking, misunderstanding, spectacles chau.Daa: wide, broad chau.nsaaTh: sixty-four, 64 chau.ntiis: thirty-four, 34 chaubiis: twenty-four, 24 chaudah: fourteen, 14 chauhattar: seventy-four, 74 chauraanave: ninety-four, 94 chauraasii: eighty-four, 84 chauthaa: fourth, 4th chauvan: fifty-four, 54 chavaaliis: forty-four, 44 cheez (n.f.) [P]: thing, commodity cheharaa (n.m.) [P]: face, visage, a mask chetavanii (f.): warning chetavanii denaa: to warn chhaH: six, 6 chhaThaa: sixth, 6th chhaapanaa: to print chhaataa (m.): umbrella chhaatii (f.): chest chhaatr (m.): pupil, student chhabbiis: twenty-six, 26

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chhah: six, 6 chhai: six, 6 chhapanaa: to be printed chhappan: fifty-six, 56 chhattiis: thirty-six, 36 chhihattar: seventy-six, 76 chhii.nknaa: to sneeze chhiyaaliis: forty-six, 46 chhiyaanave: ninety-six, 96 chhiyaasaTh: sixty-six, 66 chhiyaasii: eighty-six, 86 chho.Dnaa: to leave, abondon, give up chhoTaa: small chhoTaa-moTaa: insignicant, trifling, minor chhu.Daanaa: to get freed chhuTTii (f.): holiday, leave, release from work chhuTanaa: to leave, be left chhuunaa: to touch chi.Diyaa (f.): bird chi.Diyaaghar (m.): zoo chiTThii (f.): letter, note chiinii (f.): sugar chiiz (f.): thing chilaahaT (f.): cry, call chillaanaa: to cry out chilman (n.m.) [H]: a venetian blind chira.njiiv: blessed with long live chitha.Daa (m.): rag chitvan (n.f.) [H]: look, glance, appearance choT (f.): injury, blow, hurt choT lagnaa: to get hurt chor (m.): thief chorii (f.): theft chukaanaa: to pay a bill, settle a debt chukanaa: to be finished, to be settled, paid chunaav (m.): election, selection chunanaa: to choose, pick chup: quiet, silent chup rahanaa: to be quiet, stay quiet chust (adj.) [P]: alert, active, clever, quick, tight dR^ishy (m.): scene da'vaa (n.m.) [A]: claim, law suit, charge, demand, accusation da'vat (n.f.) [A]: invitation, banquet da.ngaa (m.): riot daa'im (adj.) [A]: perpetual, permanent daa.Nt (m.): tooth daaKil honaa: to be admitted, enter daad (n.m.) [P]: justice, appeal, revenge, praise daadaa (m.): paternal grandfather daadaa-daadii (m.): paternal grandparents daadii (f.): paternal grandmother daagh (n.m.) [P]: scar, blemish, stain, calamity, grief, loss daahinaa: right (of direction) daakhil (adj.) [A]: entering daal (f.): pulse, lentil daam (n.m.) [H]: price, value

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daam (n.m.) [P]: net, snare daamaad (f.): daughter's husband daaman (n.m.) [P]: skirt, foot of a mountain, a lap daanaa (adj.) [P]: wise, learned daanish (n.f.) [P]: knowledge, science, learning daanistah (adv.) [P]: knowingly daar (n.m.) [A]: house, country daar (n.f.) [P]: gallows, a piece of wood daar (suff.) [P]: having, holding daaraa (n.m.) [P]: holder, sovereign, king daaroo (n.f.) [H]: alcohol daaroo (n.f.) [P]: medicine, remedy daastaan (n.f.) [P]: story, fable, tale daf'a (n.f.) [A]: time, turn, section, class dafaa (m.): time, occasion dafn (n.m.) [A]: burial, concealment daftar (m.): office daghaa (n.f.) [P]: deceit, treachery, delusion dakhl (n.m.) [A]: entrance, access, reach, skill dakshhiN (m.): south dam (n.m.) [P]: breath, vitality, moment, edge of a sword dar (n.m.) [P]: door, gate, entrance dar (prep.) [P]: in, into, within, to, about, by daraaz (adj.) [P]: long, tall, extended daraaz (f.): drawer darbaar (n.m.) [P]: court (royal) darbaar (m.): royal court dard (n.m.) [P]: pain, affliction, sympathy, compassion dard karanaa (i.): to hurt darjan (m.): a dozen darkhvaasht (n.f.) [P]: request, petition, appeal darmiyan (n.m.) [P]: middle, midst, interval dars (n.m.) [H]: sight, view, look darshan (m.): sight, view darvaazaa (n.m.) [P]: door, gate darya (n.m.) [P]: a large river, sea das: ten, 10 dastoor (n.m.) [P]: custom, usage, manner, rule dau.D (f.): race dau.Danaa: to run daulat (n.f.) [A]: riches, fortune, happiness, cause, means daur (n.m.) [A]: revolving, period, cycle, orbit davaa (n.m.) [A]: medicine davaa (f.) [H]: medicine davaaKaanaa (m.): pharmacy, dispensary dayaa (f.): pity, mercy, compassion deedaar (n.m.) [P]: sight, interview deedah (n.m.) [P]: the eye deen (n.m.) [A]: faith, religion deevaanah (n.m.) [P]: madman deevaar (n.f.) [P]: a wall dehaant (m.): death, demise dekhabhaal (f.): care, supervision dekhanaa: to see, look denaa: to give der (f.): delay, lateness, periode of time der honaa: to get late der se: late desh (m.): country, region

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devar: husband's younger brother devaraanii (f.): wife of husband's elder brother dha.ndhaa (m.): occupation, business, work dhan (m.): wealth dhanyavaad (m.): thanks, thank you dharm (m.): faith, religion, righteous duty dharmapatnii (f.): wife dhiire-dhiire: slowly, gradually dhobii (m.): washerman dhokhaa (m.): deceit, trickery dhokhaa denaa: to deceive, dupe dhonaa: to wash (clothes) dhuaa.N (m.): smoke dhulanaa: to be washed dhuup (f.): sunshine dhuup khaanaa: to bask in the sun, enjoy the sun dhyaan (m.): attention dhyaan se: attentively diikhanaa: to be seen, appear diivaalii (f.): Diwali, festival of the lamps diivaar (f.): wall dikhaaii denaa, pa.Danaa: to appear, seem, come into sight dikhaanaa: to show dikhanaa: to be visible, be seen dil (n.m.) [P]: heart, soul, courage, generosity, wish dil (m.): heart dil aavar (adj.): brave, valiant dil band (adj.): charming, attractive dil chasp (adj.): interesting, pleasing, delightful dil daar (adj.): charming, beloved dil daar (n.m.): sweetheart dil daari (n.f.): consolation dil doz (adj.): heart-piercing dil fareb (adj.): charming, alluring, enticing, beautiful dil figaar (adj.): melancholy dil geer (adj.): melancholy dil kash (adj.): attractive, winning dil kharaash (adj.): heart rending dil laganaa: to feel content, feel at home dil lagi (n.f.): amusem*nt, diversion dil navaaz (adj.): soothing (the mind) dil rubaa (adj.): fascinating, alluring dil rubaa (n.m.): sweetheart dil shaad (adj.): cheerful dil sokhtah (adj.): grieved, suffering dil soz (adj.): touching, pathetic, passionate, ardent dilaanaa: to cause to be given dilaasaa (n.m.) [P]: consolation, encouragement dilachasp: interesting dilbar (adj.): lovely, sweetheart dimaagh (n.m.) [A]: brain, intellect, airs, conceit din (m.): day din bhar: all day long din-ba-din: day by day diqqat (n.f.) [A]: difficulty, intricacy, minute point diqqat (f.): difficulty, trouble disa.nbar (m.): December diyaar (n.m.) [A]: country, region do: two, 2

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dobaaraa: again, a second time dono.n: both, the two door (adj.) [P]: distant, remote, far dopahar: midday, noon dost (n.m.) [P]: friend, lover du'aa (n.f.) [A]: blessing, prayer, wish duHkh (m.): sorrow, distress, suffering duaa (f.): prayer, good wishes dubalaa: thin, weak dubalaa-patalaa: scrawny, "lean and thin" dukaan (f.): shop dukaanadaar (m.): shopkeeper dukhanaa: to hurt, ache duniyaa (f.) [A]: world dupaTTaa (m.): scarf durghaTanaa (f.): accident durr (n.m.) [A]: pearl durusht (adj.) [P]: rough, hard, rigid, oppressive, fierce durust (adj.) [P]: right, proper, well, safe, precise dushman (n.m.) [P]: enemy dushnaam (n.f.) [P]: abuse, invective dushvaar (adj.) [P]: difficult duudh (m.): milk duur (f.): far, distant, distance duusaraa: second, other duzd (n.m.) [P]: thief dvaaraa: by, by means by, by means of Daabar (n.m.) [H]: lake, pond, water pot Daak (f.): post Daak ghar (m.): post office Daak khaanaa (m.): post office DaakTar (m.): doctor Daakaa (n.m.) [H]: robbery Daalanaa: to pour, put, cast Dagar (n.f.) [H]: path, road Dar (n.m.) [H]: fear Darnaa: to fear, be afraid of De.Dh: one an a half Dhaabaa (m.): small cafe, food stall Dhaaii: two and a half Dher (m.): heap, pile, mass Dhuu.N.Danaa: to look for, search, trace Dibbaa (m.): train compartment Draaivar (m.): driver Duubanaa (i.): to sink, drown e_ar i.nDiyaa: Air India ek: one, a ek dam: at once, suddenly, completely ek saath: together ekaadh: a few, one or two ekaaek: all of a sudden, suddenly ekataa (f.): unity

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faa'idah (n.m.) [A]: benefit, profit, utility faa'iq (adj.) [A]: superior, great faakhir (n.m.) [A]: a boaster faaqah (n.m.) [A]: starvation, fasting, poverty faash (adj.) [P]: apparent, known, notorious faasilah (n.m.) [A]: distance, space, separation faayadaa (m.): advantage, profit, gain faazil (adj.) [A]: superfluous, accomplished person, virtuous fahm (n.m.) [A]: understanding, intellect faisalah (n.m.) [A]: settlement, decree, decision faiz (n.m.) [A]: liberality, grace, bounty fakhr (n.m.) [A]: glory, honor, pride, egotism falaanaa: so-and-so, such-and-such falak (n.m.) [A]: sky, heaven, fortune, fate faqr (n.m.) [A]: poverty faramaanaa: to speak out, make a request faravarii (f.): February fareb (n.m.) [P]: deceit, trick, fraud farishtah (n.m.) [P]: angel, apostle, prophet, messenger farmaa'ish (n.f.) [P]: order for goods, requisition, pleasure, will farmaan (n.m.) [P]: mandate, order, royal decree faro (adj.) [P]: down, below, under farq (n.m.) [A]: difference, distance, separation, defect farsh (m.): floor faryaad (n.f.) [P]: complaint, cry farz (n.m.) [A]: duty, moral obligation, statute fasanah (n.m.) [P]: romance, tale, fable fatvaa (n.m.) [A]: judicial decree fauj (n.f.) [A]: army, crowd, multitude fauran (adv.) [A]: immediately, quickly, directly faza' (n.f.) [A]: lamentation, wailing fazl (n.m.) [A]: excellence, virtue, reward, wisdom fida (n.m.) [A]: sacrifice, devotion, ransom, exchange fidaa'ee (n.m.) [A&P]: lover figaar (adj.) [P]: wounded, sore, afflicted, confused fikr (n.m., f.) [A]: opinion, notion, care, concern, anxiety, counsel fikr karanaa: to worry, be anxious film (f.): film firaaq (n.m.) [A]: separation, anxiety, absence, distance firdaus (n.m.) [A]: garden, paradise fitnah (n.m.) [A]: sedition, revolt, mischief, temptation fitrat (n.f.) [A]: nature, creation, deceit, intrigue, wisdom foTo (m.): photograph foTo khii.nchanaa: to take a photograph fon karanaa: to telephone fughaa.n (n.m.) [P]: clamor, lamentation, cry of distress furqat (n.f.) [A]: separation, disunion, absence (of lovers) fursat (n.f.) [A]: opportunity, leisure, rest, recovery, spare time, free time fuvaad (n.m.) [A]: the heart ga.Nvaanaa: to lose, waste ga.nbhiir: deep, serious ga.ndaa: dirty ga.ngaa (f.): the river Ganges gaNesh (M.): elephant-headed god Ganesh

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gaa.Dii (f.): car, train gaa.Nv (m.): village gaa.Nvavaalaa (m.): villager gaal (m.): cheek gaalii (f.): abuse, invective, insult gaalii denaa: to abuse, insult gaanaa (m.): song gaanaa: to sing gaay (f.): cow gaayak (m.): singer gaihaa.n (n.m.) [P]: the world, the universe galaa (m.): throat, neck, voice galaa baiaThanaa: to have a hoarse voice galii (f.): lane, alleyway gap (f.): gossip gap-shap (f.): gossip, tittle-tattle,chit-chat gar.D (m.): railway guard garadan (f.): neck garaj (f.): thunder, roar garam: warm, hot garbh (m.): womb garbh honaa: to be pregnant gard (n.f.) [P]: trifle, dust gardan (n.f.) [P]: the neck gardish (n.f.) [P]: revolution, circulation, misfortune, vagrancy garm (adj.) [P]: hot, burning, ardent, choleric, lively garmii (f.): heat, summer (when plural) garmii pa.Dnaa: to get hot (of weather) gati-vidhi[yaa.N]: working activities, behaviour gavaah (n.m.) [P]: a witness gavaahee (n.m.) [P]: testimony, evidence gavaaraa (adj.) [P]: palatable, agreeable, pleasant, nice gaz (n.m.) [P]: a yard measure gazeedah (adj.) [P]: stung, bitten ge.nd (f.): ball geer (adj.) [P]: taking, holding, seizing, conquering gesoo (n.m.) [P]: tresses, locks gha.Dii (f.): watch, clock gha.nTaa (m.): hour gha.nTii (f.): bell ghaa'ib (adj.) [A]: hidden, absent ghaaT (m.): bathing place at river etc. ghaalib (adj.) [A]: victorious, predominant ghaalib (adv.) [A]: often, likely, most probably ghaas (f.): grass ghaba.Daanaa: to worry, be nervous, panic ghaddaar (adj.) [A]: disloyal, treacherous ghaflat (n.f.) [A]: negligence, drowsiness, stupor ghair (adj.) [A]: other, different, alien, bad ghair (adv.) [A]: besides ghair (n.m.) [A]: stranger, foreigner ghair (prep.) [A]: without, except, but, save ghairat (n.f.) [A]: honor, modesty, bashfulness, envy, enmity ghalat (adj.) [A]: wrong, incorrect, inaccurate ghaleez (adj.) [A]: dirty, filthy, gross, coarse, obscene gham (n.m.) [A]: grief, sorrow, concern, care gham deedah (adj.): afflicted, grieved gham gusaar (n.m.): comforter gham khvaar (adj.): consoling

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ghammaaz (n.m.) [A]: informer, tattletale, back-biting ghanishh_Th: close, intimate ghar (m.): house, home ghar par: at home gharaz (n.f.) [A]: intention, meaning, design, view, want gharib (adj.) [A]: poor, destitute, strange, innocent, wonderful ghash (n.m.) [A]: stupor, fainting ghaur (n.m.) [A]: deep thought, meditation, close attention ghazal (n.f.) [A]: ode, poem ghii (M.): clarified butter, ghee ghisaa-piTaa: worn out gho.Daa (m.): horse ghuTnaa (M.): knee ghubaar (n.m.) [A]: vapor, fog, mist, dust, vexation ghulaam (n.m.) [A]: slave, boy, youth ghumaanaa: to make round, revolve, turn ghuroor (n.m.) [A]: pride, vanity ghusanaa: to enter ghussah (n.m.) [A]: anger, passion, rage, anxiety, grief ghuumanaa: to tour, visit, wander around, turn giit (m.): song gilah (n.m.) [P]: complaint, blame, reproach, lamentation giraa.n (adj.) [P]: precious, costly, dear, important, heavy giraanaa: to drop, let fall girah (n.f.) [P]: knot, joint, knuckle giraoo (n.m.) [P]: pledge, pawn gird (n.m.) [P]: round, circumference, environs girdaab (n.m.) [P]: whirlpool, abyss, vortex giriftaar (adj.) [P]: captured, seized, smitten, prisoner, captivated giriyaa.n (adj.) [P]: weeping, crying girnaa: to fall, drop giryah (n.m.) [P]: weeping, lamentation, crying, plaint god (f.): lap golii (f.): tablet, pill, bullet golii maarnaa: to shoot goraa (m.): fair, white person, European gosh (n.m.) [P]: the ear goshah (n.m.) [P]: corner, angle, cell, privacy gosht (m.): meat goyaa (adj.) [P]: speaking, eloquent griishhm (m.): summer guftgoo (n.f.) [P]: conversation, discourse gul (n.m.) [P]: rose, flower, ornament, brand gul badan (adj.): delicate, graceful gul dastah (n.m.): a bouquet gul sitaa.n (n.m.): rose-garden gul zaar (n.m.): flower-bed, garden gulaab (n.m.) [P]: the rose gulshan (n.m.): a flower or rose garden gum (n.m.) [P]: lost, missing, distracted gum gashtah (adj.): lost, wandering gum naam (adj.): nameless, anonymous, unknown, inglorious gum raah (adj.): astray, lost, wicked, depraved gum sum (adj.): still, silent gumaan (n.m.) [P]: doubt, surmise, fancy, pride, opinion, distrust gunaah (n.m.) [P]: fault, sin, crime, guilt guru (m.): teacher, spiritual guide guru_vaar (m.): Thursday gusaar (adj.) [P]: taking away, dissipating, removing

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gustaakhee (n.f.) [P]: rudeness, arrogance, audacity guzaarah (n.m.) [P]: living, subsistence, passage, abode guzaarish (n.f.) [P]: petition, request, explanation guzar (n.f.) [P]: a pass, a living, a road guzarnaa: to pass (time), to pass away guzeedah (adj.) [P]: selected, chosen gyaarah: eleven, 11 Gaayab: disappeared, missing Gaayab honaa: to disappear, go missing Gaayab karanaa: to make off with Galat: wrong, mistaken Galatii (f.): mistake Gariib: poor Gussaa (m.): anger Gussaa honaa [par]: to get angry ha.Dtaal (f.): strike ha.Dtaal karanaa: to strike, come out on strike ha.Nsanaa: to laugh ha.Nsii (f.): laughter ha.Nsii-mazaaq karanaa: to laugh and joke ha.ngaam (n.m.) [P]: season, time, period ha.ngaamah (n.m.) [P]: tumult, riot, uproar, confusion, disorder haDDii (f.): bone haa'ilah (adj.) [A]: terrible, horrible haa.Nk (f.): calling aloud haa.Nkanaa: to call aloud, urge on haadi (n.m.) [A]: guide, leader, director haal (m.): condition, state haalaa.Nki: although haalah (n.m.) [A]: halo, nimbus, circle round the moon haalat (f.): condition, state haamoon (n.m.) [P]: desert, plain, level ground haar (n.f.) [H]: loss, defeat, fatigue haar (n.m.) [S&P]: necklace, garland haaranaa: to be defeated, lose haath (n.m.) [H]: hand, arm, clutches, power, slap, reach haath aanaa: to come to hand haathii: elephant haatif (n.m.) [P]: angel, voice from heaven haaviyah (n.m.) [A]: the lowest region of hell hadaf (n.m.) [A]: target, goal, object haftaa (m.) [P]: a week hai: is; are (with tuu) hai'at (n.f.) [A]: astronomy, face, figure;commission, delegation hai.n: are hairaan: perplexed hakaazah (adv.) [A]: similarly hal (m.): solution hal karanaa: to solve halaak (adj.) [A]: ruined, destroyed halaak (n.f.) [A]: ruin, destruction, slaughter, death halakaa: light (of weight, color, etc.) ham (conj.) [P]: also, likewise, together, with, similar

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ham: we ham batn (adj.): related by blood ham batn (n.m.): blood-relation, close ally ham bazm (adj.): of the same society ham dard (n.f.): sympathizer, partner in adversity ham jalees (adj. ): close friend ham jolee (n.f. ): playmate, equal, peer, friend ham mazhab (adj.): coreligionist ham nasheen (n.m.): playmate, associate ham raah (n.m.): fellow-traveller ham raaz (adj.): confidant ham saayah (n.m.): neighbor ham saaz (adj.): friendly, unanimous ham safar (n.m.): fellow-traveller ham taa (adj.): equal, alike ham zabaa.n (adj.): unanimous, of the same language hamaaraa: our, ours hameshaa: always hameshaah (adv.) [P]: always har (adj.) [P]: all, every, each har baar (adv.): every time har dam (adv.): every moment har ek (adj.): every one har jaa'ee (adj.): vagabond, faithless har koii: everyone haraa: green harek: every, each hargiz (adv.) [P]: ever, never hariyaalii (f.): greenery, verdure harj (n.m.) [A]: tumult, sedition, trouble, loss, harm, injury haryaalee (n.f.) [H]: greeness, freshness, grass harzah (adj.) [P]: nonsense, absurd, frivolous, vain hastaakshhar (m.): signature; "signed" hasti (n.f.) [P]: life, existence hatauRa (n.m.) [H]: sledgehammer hatauRee (n.f.) [H]: small hammer hathelee (n.f.) [H]: palm of the hand hathyaar (n.f.) [H]: tool, weapon haul (n.m.) [A]: terror, horror, fright havaa (n.f.) [A]: wind, breeze, air, atmosphere havaa (f.): air, wind, breeze havaaii Daak (f.): air mail havaaii aDDaa (m.): airport havaaii jahaz (m.): aeroplane havas (n.f.) [A]: ambition, desire, lust hazaa (pron.) [A]: this hazaar (m.): a thousand hazl (n.m.) [A]: joke, jest, pleasantries heeraa (n.m.) [H]: diamond hema.nt (m.): winter hibah (n.m.) [A]: gift, bequest, grant hidaayat (n.f.) [A]: instruction, guidance, righteousness hii: only (etc.) hijr (n.m.) [A]: separation, absence from one's country hijrat (n.f.) [A]: separation, flight (flight of the Prophet from Mecca to Medina) hilaal (n.m.) [A]: new moon, the crescent himmat (n.f.) [A]: spirit, mind, courage, desire, design hindii (f.): Hindi hindustaanii: Indian

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hinduu: Hindu hiraas (n.m.) [P]: fear, terror, confusion, sorrow, disappointment hisaab (m.): rate, account, calculation hissaa (m.): part, portion hitaishhii (m.): well-wishing; well-wisher hituu (m.): well-wishing; well-wisher ho: are (with tum) hoTal (m.): hotel, cafe holii: Holi (springtime festival) holii khelanaa: to celebrate Holi honaa: to be, become hosh (n.m.) [P]: sense, mind, understanding huboot (n.m.) [A]: decline, downfall, descent hujoom (n.m.) [A]: crowd, mob, tumult, assault, attack humaa (n.m.) [P]: eagle, phoenix, bird of Paradise humaayun (adj.) [P]: august, royal, fortunate hunar (n.m.) [P]: skill, art hushyaar (adj.) [P]: intelligent, alert, awake huu.N: am huzuur: your honour, sir Haadisah (n.m.) [A]: accident, occurence, calamity, misfortune Haakim (n.m.) [A]: ruler, governor, judge, an official Haal (n.m.) [A]: state, condition, narrative, circ*mstance Haalat (n.f.) [A]: condition, state, circ*mstance (plu. Haalaat) Haatim (n.m.) [A]: generous (derived from Haatim Tai) Haazir (adj.) [A]: present, ready, in attendance Habeeb (n.m.) [A]: beloved, sweetheart, comrade, friend Hadd (adv.) [A]: very, at most, utmost point Hadd (n.f.) [A]: boundary, limit Hads (n.m.) [A]: novelty, innovation Hairaan (adj.) [A]: amazed, confounded, perplexed, worried Haiseeyat (n.f.) [A]: rank, capacity, merit, status, prestige Hakeem (n.m.) [A]: wise man, doctor, philosopher Halaal (adj.) [A]: legal, permitted Hamlah (n.m.) [A]: attack, assault, invasion Haqeeqat (n.f.) [A]: truth, reality, narration, condition Haqq (adj.) [A]: just, truth, right Haraam (adj.) [A]: unlawful, forbidden Haraarat (n.f.) [A]: heat, fever, ardor, fervor, zeal Haseen (adj.) [A]: beautiful, elegant, charming, handsome Hashmat (n.f.) [A]: state, dignity, pomp, retinue Hasrat (n.f.) [A]: regret, intense sorrow, desire, longing Hausalah (n.m.) [A]: capacity, courage, spirit, resolution, desire Havaalah (n.m.) [A]: charge, custody, care Havaas (n.m.) [A]: the senses Hayaa (n.f.) [A]: modesty, shame Hayaat (n.f.) [A]: life, existence Hazm (n.m.) [A]: firmness of mind, resolve Hazrat (n.m.) [A]: dignity, a title of respect Hiddat (n.f.) [A]: sharpness, fury, acrimony, poignancy Hifaazat (n.f.) [A]: guarding, security, safety Hijaab (n.m.) [A]: veil, modesty, bashfulness, night Hikmat (n.f.) [A]: wisdom, knowledge, cleverness, device Himaayat (n.f.) [A]: protection, patronage, support, defence Hirs (n.f.) [A]: eager, greediness, desire, ambition Hisaab (n.m.) [A]: reckoning, account, computation, rate, sense Hisaar (n.m.) [A]: fort, enclosure, fence Hissah (n.m.) [A]: share, portion, lot Hizaaqat (n.m.) [A]: Intelligence, wisdom

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Hoor (n.f.) [A]: virgin of Paradise, nymph Hoorriyat (n.f.) [A]: emancipation, freedom Hubb (n.f.) [A]: love, friendship, desire, affection, wish Hudood (n.m, f.) [A]: boundaries, penal laws Hukm (n.m.) [A]: order, decree, statute, law Husn (n.f.) [A]: beauty, elegance Husool (n.m.) [A]: acquisition, profit, advantage, achievement Huzn (n.m.) [A]: grief, sadness, sorrow Huzoor (intj.) [A]: Your Highness! Huzoor (n.m.) [A]: presence of superior authority i'jaaz (n.m.) [A]: miracle, marvel, wonder i'laam (n.m) [A]: announcing, notifying i'tibaar (n.m.) [A]: trust, confidence, faith, reliance i'tiraaz (n.m.) [A]: objection, criticism, protest i.nDiyaa (m.): India i.nglai.nD (m.): England i.ntazaar (m.): wait iHsaan (n.m.) [A]: beneficence, favor, good deed iHsaas (n.m.) [A]: feeling, emotion iHtiyaaj (n.f.) [A]: need iHtiyaat (n.f.) [A]: caution, heed ibaadat (n.f.) [A]: prayers, devotion ibaarat (n.f.) [A]: composition, style, diction ibn (n.m.) [A]: son ibrat (n.f.) [A]: warning, admonition ibtidaa' (n.f.) [A]: commencement, beginning ibtilaa (n.m.) [A]: trial, misfortune, suffering ibtisaam (n.m.) [A]: smile, cheerfulness ichchhaa (f.): wish idhar: here, over here idhar-udhar: here and there, hither and thither idraak (n.m.) [A]: perception, comprehension iffat (n.f.) [A]: purity, chastity ifraat (n.f.) [A]: excess, exuberance, plenty iftikhaar (n.m.) [A]: honor, glory, repute, distinction iisavii san: christian year ijaazat (n.f.) [A ]: permission, leave, sanction ijaazat (f.): permission ijaazat denaa: to permit ikahattar: seventy-one, 71 ikasaTh: sixty-one, 61 ikatiis: thirty-one, 31 ikattiis: thirty-one, 31 ikhlaas (n.m.) [A]: sincerity, purity, love, selfless worship ikhtiyaar (n.m.) [A]: choice, option, power, influence, control, authority ikkiis: twenty-one, 21 iktaaliis: forty-one, 41 ikyaanave: ninety-one, 91 ikyaasii: eighty-one, 81 ikyaavan: fifty-one, 51 ilaaj (n.m.) [A]: cure, treatment, antidote, remedy ilaaqaa (m.): area, district, locality ilaaqah (n.m.) [A]: jurisdiction, area, tenure illat (n.f.) [A]: fault, defect, bad habit, illness, pretext, basis ilm (n.m.) [A]: knowledge, science, doctrine iltifaat (n.m.) [A]: regard, kindness, favor, friendship

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imaan (n.m.) [A]: belief, faith, creed, conscience imaarat (n.f.) [A]: building, edifice imtahaan (m.): examination imtiHaan (n.m.) [A]: examination, test, trial, proof, experiment imtiyaaz (n.m.) [A]: discrimination, discernment, distinction in'aam (n.m.) [A]: gift, reward, largesse inaad (n.m.) [A]: enmity, obstinacy inakaar (m.): refusal, denial inakaar karanaa se: to refuse inkaar (n.m.) [A]: denial, contradiction inqilaab (n.m.) [A]: revolution insaan (n.m.) [A]: man, human being, mankind insaaniyyat (n.m.) [A]: humanity, civility intikhaab (n.m.) [A]: selection, choice, election intiqaam (n.m.) [A]: revenge, reprisal intizaam (n.m.) [A]: management, order, method, arrangement intizaar (n.m.) [A]: waiting (anxiously), expectation iqbaal (n.m.) [A]: prosperity, good fortune, success, confession iqraar (n.m.) [A]: promise, pledge, confession, declaration, covenant iqtizaa' (n.m.) [A]: requirement, need, demand iraadaa (m.): intention iraadah (n.m.) [A]: aim, object, will, desire irfaan (n.m.) [A]: knowledge, science, wisdom irshaad (n.m.) [A]: instruction, order, command, guidance isaliae: so, therefore, because of isbaat (n.m.) [A]: proof ishaarah (n.m.) [P]: gesture, symbol, wink, sign ishfaaq (n.m.) [A]: compassion, kindness ishq (n.m.) [A]: love, excessive passion ishraaq (n.m.) [A]: dawn, day break, lustre ishrat (n.f.) [A]: pleasure, enjoyment, mirth, society ishtahaar (m.): advertisment ishtihaar (n.m.) [A]: notification, poster, reputation, renown ishtiyaaq (n.m.) [A]: longing, craving, desire isii liae: that's why, for this very reason ism-e shariif (m.): good name israaf (n.m.) [A]: waste, extravagance israar (n.m.) [A]: obduracy, persistence, obstinacy istemaal (m.): use isti'faa (n.m.) [A]: resignation isti'maal (n.m.) [A]: application, usage, use itaab (n.m.) [A]: rebuke, reproach, anger, displeasure itanaa: so much, so many, this much, this m itavaar (m.): Sunday itlaaf (n.m.) [A]: loss, ruin, decay itmaam (n.m.) [A]: completion, perfection ittiHaad (n.m.) [A]: union, alliance ittifaaq (n.m.) [A]: agreement, concord, chance, event, opportunity ittifaaqaan (adv.) [A]: accidentally ittihaam (n.m.) [A]: charge, imputation, blame ittikaa' (n.m.) [A]: dependence, reliance ityaadi: etc., and so on iz-haar (n.m.) [A]: disclosure, proclamation, statement, testimony izaafaa (m.): increase, rise iztiraab (n.m.) [A]: restlessness, perturbation, anxiety iztiraar (n.m.) [A]: helplessness, agitation, constraint izzat (n.f.) [A]: honor, esteem, glory, reputation

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ja'l (n.f.) [A]: counterfeit ja.Nbhaaii (f.): yawn, yawning ja.Nbhaaii lenaa: to yawn ja.ngal (m.): jungle, wilderness ja.ngalii: wild jaa'edaad (n.f.) [P]: property, estate, assets jaa'iz (adj.) [H]: legal, permitted jaa.Daa (m.): cold, winter (if plural) jaadoo (n.m.) [P]: magic, conjuring, charm, effect of evil spirits jaagbaa: to be awake jaagir (n.f.) [P]: a fief jaahil (adj.) [A]: ignorant, illiterate, barbarous jaam (n.m.) [P]: goblet jaan (n.f.) [P]: soul, life, mind, vigor, sweetheart, beloved, dear one jaan parnaa: to seem jaanaa: to go jaanaa-pahachaanaa: well-known, widly recognized jaanakaarii (f.): knowledge, information jaananaa: to know jaanavar (m.): animal jaanee (adj.) [P]: of or relating to life jaanee (n.m.) [P]: a beloved, a lover jaaree (adj.) [A]: running, flowing, current, continuing jaati (f.): species, caste, type jaazib (adj.) [A]: alluring, attractive jab: when jab bhii: whenever jab ki: while jab se: since when jab tak: until jabee.n (n.f.) [P]: the forehead jafaa (n.f.) [P]: oppression, injustice, injury jagah (f.): place jahaa.N: where, in which place jahaa.N kahii.n: wherever jahaan (n.m.) [P]: the world jahaannum (n.f.) [A]: hell jahaaz (n.m.) [A]: ship, vessel jaisaa: like, similar to, such as jaise hii .. vaise hii: as soon as .. then jaise ki: as, as if jalaal (n.m, f.) [A]: splendor, majesty jalaanaa: to burn (tr), set alight jalanaa: to burn, be lit, to burn with jealo jaldii (f.): quickly, early, hurry jaldii se: quickly jalvah (n.m.) [A]: lustre, splendour, display, show jamaa karaa: to deposit jamaal (n.m.) [A]: beauty, elegance janaab (intj.) [A]: sir!, your honor! janaazah (n.m.) [A]: corpse, funeral janataa (f.): the public, the people janavarii (f.): January jang (n.f.) [P]: battle, war janm (m.): birth janmaashhTamii (f.): Krishna's birthday janmadin (m.): birthday jannat (n.f.) [A]: paradise, garden

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janshruti (f.): tradition, legend japanaa: to repeat (the name of God) jarman: German jashn (n.m.) [P]: a feast, celebration javaab (n.m.) [A]: answer, equal, parallel, match javaab denaa: to answer javaahir (n.m.) [A]: jewls, gems (plu. of jauhar) javaan (adj.) [P]: young, youth, young man, soldier jay (f.): victory jazb (n.m.) [A]: allurement, attraction jazbah (n.m.) [A]: passion, rage, desire, feeling jeTh (m.): husband's elder brother jeTh (m.): the month Jyesth (May-Jun) jeThaanii (f.): wife of jeTh jeb (f.): pocket jeevan (n.m.) [H]: life, existence jel (f.): jail jhaa.Dnaa: to sweep, dust jhaga.Daa (m.): quarrel jhamelaa (m.): mess, botheration, turmoil jhijhak (f.): hesitation jho.npa.Dii (f.): hut jhuuTh (m.): lie jidhar: wherever, in which direction jigar (n.m.) [P]: liver, heart, soul, mind jii (m.): mind, heart jii chaahanaa: to desire jii haa.N: yes jii nahii.n: no jiibh (f.): tongue jiijii (f.): sister jiinaa: to live, be alive jiitanaa: to win jiivan (m.): life jis se ki: by which, whereby, so that jism (n.m.) [A]: body jitanaa: as much as, as many as jo: that which, which, who, if jo bhii: whoever, whatever jo koii: whoever jo kuchh: whatever jo.D (m.): joint jo.Dnaa: to join, add, accumulate, save up josh (n.m.) [P]: heat, zeal, enthusiasm, passion, lust juTanaa: to be engaged in work judaa (adj.) [P]: separate, apart, asunder, peculiar judaaee (adj.) [P]: separation, absence julaaii (f.): July jumbish (n.f.) [P]: movement junoon (n.m.) [A]: madness, insanity jurm (n.m.) [A]: crime, guilt jurmaanah (n.m.) [P]: fine, penalty justjoo (n.f.) [P]: search, inquiry juun (m.): June juutaa (m.): shoe jyo.nhii .. tyo.nhii: as soon as .. then

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kR^ipaa (f.): kindness kR^ipaa karke: kindly, please kR^ipaapatr (m.): kind letter kR^ipayaa: please k_ii: several ka buraa maanaa: to take amiss, take offence (at) ka.nbal (m.): blanket ka.njuus: miserly, mean ka.npanii (f.): firm, company kaTanaa: to be cut kaThin: difficult, hard kaThinaaii (f.): difficulty kaa aadar karanaa: to respect kaa aana.nd lenaa: to enjoy kaa dehaant honaa: to die kaa ilaaj karanaa: to treat kaa istemaal karanaa: to use kaa janm honaa: to be born kaa piichhaa karanaa: to follow, chase, pursue kaa prayog karanaa: to use kaa varNan karanaa: to describe kaa vivaah honaa: to marry kaa zikr karanaa: to mention, to refer to kaa.NTaa (m.): thorn, fork kaa.Ngres (f.): the Congress Party kaa.Npanaa: to tremble, shiver kaa, ke darshan karanaa: to see, have vision of kaa, kii i.ntazaar karanaa: to wait for kaaGaz (m.): paper, a piece of paper kaafi (adj.) [P&A]: sufficient, enough kaafi: quite, quite a few, enough, very kaafir (adj.) [A]: impious, ungrateful kaafir (n.m.) [A]: infidel, sweetheart, mistress kaafur (n.m.) [A]: camphor kaaghaz (n.m.) [P]: paper, letter, document kaahil (adj.) [A]: lazy, slow, indolent, relaxed, tardy, ailing kaahish (n.f.) [P]: anxiety, pining, decline, decay kaakaa (m.): father's elder brother kaakii (f.): wife of father's elder brother kaal (m.): time, season kaalaa: black kaalej (m.): college kaam (n.m.) [P]: work, palate, desire, object, purport, design, intention kaam yaab (adj.): prosperous, successfulhappy, satisfied kaamraan (adj.): successful, fortunate, happy, blessed kaan (m.): ear kaar (n.m.) [P]: affair, work, labor, duty, profession kaar (f.): car kaarKaanaa (m.): factory, workshop kaaraN (m.): reason, cause kaartik (m.): the month Kartik (Oct-Nov) kaarvaan (n.m.) [P]: caravan, large company of pilgrims kaasah (n.m.) [P]: cup, goblet, bowl kaash (intj.) [P]: would that! kaashif (adj.) [A]: discoverer, revealer kaatib (n.m.) [A]: scribe, writer

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kaatik (m.): the month Kartik (Oct-Nov) kaazib (adj.) [A]: false kab: when? kabaDDii: a childeren's game kabeer (adj.) [A]: great, large, immense kabhii: sometime, ever kabhii kabhii: sometimes kabhii nahii.n: never kabootar (n.m.) [P]: pigeon, dove kabz (f.): constipation kachchaa: unripe, raw, uncooked, crude, rough kadah (n.m.) [P]: a place (usually a suff.) kafan (n.m.) [A]: shroud kahaa.N: where? kahaanii (f.): story kahalaanaa: to be called kahanaa: to say kahii.n: somewhere, somewhat kahii.n aur: somewhere else, somewhat more kahii.n bhii: anywhere kahii.n na kahii.n: somewhere or other kahii.n nahii.n: nowhere kaif (n.m.) [A]: intoxication kaifiyyat (n.f.) [A]: narrative, circ*mstances, explanation, situation kaimraa (m.): camera kaisaa: of what kind? kaise: how? kal (m.): yesterday, tomorrow kalaam (n.m.) [A]: discourse, oration, a work, composition, objection kam (adj.) [P]: deficient, few, little, rare, scanty, less kam bakht (adj.): unfortunate, wretched kam karanaa: to reduce kam se kam: at least kamaal (n.m.) [A]: excellence, perfection, miracle, art kamaan (n.f.) [P]: bow, arch, spring kamar (n.f.) [P]: waist, girdle, zone, army flank, arch kamaraa (m.): room kamazor: weak kamazorii (f.): weakness kamee (n.f.) [P]: deficiency, loss, abatement, reduction, dearth kameenah (adj.) [P]: mean, vulgar, base, defective kamzor (adj.): weak, feeble, powerless kandah (adj.) [P]: carved, engraved kanyaa (f.): girl, daughter, virgin kapa.Daa: cloth, garment karam (n.m.) [A]: kindness, favor, bounty, clemency karanaa: to do kareem (adj.) [A]: bountiful, generous, merciful, epithet of God karo.D (m.): a crore, ten million karttavy (m.): duty kas (n.m.) [P]: man, person kasab (n.m.) [A]: profession, trade kasal (n.m.) [A]: laxity, cowardice, depression, sickness kashaakash (n.f.) [P]: struggle, dilemma, contention, grief and pain kashhT (m.): trouble kashhT denaa: to give trouble kashish (n.f.) [P]: drawing, attraction, allurement kashti (n.f.) [P]: ship, boat, vessel, tray kasr (n.f.) [A]: breach, loss, affliction

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kasrat (n.f) [A]: abundance, excess, bulk kasuur: fault, guilt kathaa (f.): (religious) narration kaul (n.m.) [H]: mouthful, morsel kaun: who? kaunasaa: which? kavi (m.): poet kavitaa (f.): poem, poetry ke a.ndar: inside, within ke aage: in front of, before ke aas-paas: around, in the vicinity of ke alaavaa: besides, apart from, as well as ke anusaar: according to ke baGair: without ke baad: after ke baahar: outside ke baare me.n: about, concerning ke badle me.n: in place of, in exchange for ke bajaay: instead of ke bhiitar: inside, within ke biich me.n: between, amidst, among ke binaa: without ke chaaro.n taraf: all around ke dvaaraa: by, by means by ke kaaraN: because of ke kinaare: at, on the side of ke laayaq: worthy of, worth ke li_e: for ke maare: because of, on account of, through ke niiche: below, beneath ke paas: close, near to ke pahale: before ke piichhe: behind ke ruup me.n: in the form of, as ke saamane: opposite ke saath: with ke sivaay: except for, but for ke uupar: on top of ke yahaa.N: at the place of ke yogy: worthy of, worth keenah (n.m.) [P]: malice, rancor, enmity kelaa: banana keval: only kha.Daa honaa: to stand kha.Dii bolii (f.): standard modern Hindi khaa.Nsanaa: to cough khaa.Nsii (f.): cough khaa.Nsii aanaa: to have a cough khaak (n.f.) [P]: dust, earth, ashes khaalis (adj.) [A]: pure, genuine, sincere(friend) khaam (adj.) [P]: raw, green, inexpert, immature, vain khaamosh (adj.) [P]: silent khaanaa (m.): food khaanaa: to eat khaanah (n.m.) [P]: house, room, compartment, partition khaandaan (n.m.) [P]: family, lineage, dynasty khaanum (n.f.) [P]: lady, princess, wife khaas (adj.) [A]: special, particular, private, noble, unmixed khaataa-piitaa: well-to-do, prosperous

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khaatir (n.f.) [A]: the heart, mind, memory, sake, behalf, choice, favor khabar (n.f.) [A]: news, information, report, rumor, notice khafaa (n.f.) [A]: concealment, secrecy khafaa (adj.) [P]: angry, displeased khair (adj.) [A]: good, best khair (adv.) [A]: very well khair (n.f.) [A]: welfare, happiness khajaalat (n.m.) [A]: shame, bashfulness khajaalat (adj.) [P]: happy, auspicious, blessed khalaas (n.m.) [A]: deliverance, redemption, freedom khalish (n.f.) [P]: prick, pain, anxiety, apprehension khanjar (n.m.) [A]: dagger kharaab (adj.) [A]: bad, depraved, ruined, spoiled, wretched, obscene khareed (n.f.) [P]: purchase khastah (adj.) [P]: wounded, broken, sorrowful khataa (n.f.) [A]: mistake, slio, oversight, error khatm (adj.) [A]: finished, done khatm (n.m.) [A]: conclusion, seal khatrah (n.m.) [A]: danger, fear, risk khatt (n.m.) [A]: letter, note, mark khayaal (n.m.) [A]: thought, imagination, opinion, care, respect khazaa.n (n.f.) [P]: autumn, decay, old age khed (m.): regret khel (m.): game khelanaa: to play khet (m.): field, farming land khi.Dkii (f.): window khidmat (n.f.) [A]: service, office, duty khii.nchanaa: to pull, drag, draw khilaaf (n.m.) [A]: opposition, contraiety, falsehood khilaaf (prep.) [A]: against khilaanaa: to feed, make play, cause to blosso khilaunaa (M.): toy khiyaaban (n.m.) [P]: flower-bed, flower garden khizaanah (n.m.) [P]: treasury, treasure kholanaa: to open khonaa: to lose, to be lost khoob (adj.) [P]: good, excellent, beautiful, amiable khood (n., adj.) [P]: self, private, personal, own khoodi (n.f.) [P]: egotism, vanity, presence of mind khoon (n.m.) [P]: blood, murder khoorsheed (n.m.) [P]: sun khoosh (adj.) [P]: pleasing, happy khuda (n.m.) [P]: God khulaa: open khumaar (n.m.) [A]: intoxication khurram (adj.) [P]: happy khushk (adj.) [P]: dry, withered, cynic khutbah (n.m.) [A]: sermon, oration, introduction khvaab (n.m.) [P]: sleep, dream khvaahish (n.f.) [P]: desire, request, demand khvaar (adj.) [P]: wretched, deserted, friendless, poor ki: that, or ki mulaaqaat honaa se: to meet kidhar: which way? where? kii baGal me.n: next to, alongside kii dekhabhaal karanaa: to look after, care for kii jagah: in (the) place of kii koshish karanaa: to try to

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kii mR^ityu honaa: to die kii madad karanaa: to help kii marammat karanaa: to repair, mend; to beat up (slang) kii ni.ndaa karanaa: to blame, condemn kii or: towards kii prasha.nsaa karanaa: to praise kii puujaa karanaa: to worship, adore kii shaadii honaa: to marry kii shikaayat karanaa se: to complain kii taariif karaa: to praise kii talaash karanaa: to search for, look for kii taraf: towards kii tarah: like kii tulanaa karanaa: to compare kilo (m.): kilo(gram) kinaaraa (m.): bank, edge, border kinaarah (n.m.) [P]: shore, river bank, edge, margin, limit kiraayaa (m.): rent, fare kis samay: at what time? kis tarah se: how? in what manner? kisvat (n.f.) [A]: dress, appearance, habit, figure, form, manner kitaab (n.m.) [A]: book, writing, despatch kitanaa: how much? how many? klaas (m.): class ko: to (etc.) ko chho.Dkar: apart from koT (m.): coat koft (n.f.) [P]: beating, pain, vexation, grief, gilding koh (n.m.) [P]: mountain, hill kohanii (f.): elbow koii: some, any, someone, anyone, (, w num koii na koii: someone or other koii nahii.n: nobody konaa (m.): corner koshish (n.f.) [P]: attempt, endeavor, labor, exertion kshhaN (m.): moment kuTiyaa (f.): hut kuaa.N (m.): well kuchalanaa: to crush, trample, to be crushed kuchh: some kuchh aur: some more, something else kuchh na kuchh: something or other kuchh nahii.n: nothing kufr (n.m.) [A]: paganism, infidelity, profanity kul (adj.) [A]: all, complete, entire, aggregate, universe kulii (m.): porter kulii karanaa: to hire a porter kumaarii (f.): unmarried girl, Miss kursii (f.): chair kurtaa (m.): kurta, loose-cut shirt kuudnaa: to jump kvaar (m.): the month Ashvin (Sep-Oct) kyaa: what kyo.n: why? kyo.nki: because Kaalii: empty, vacant, free

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Kaalii-haath: empty-handed Kaas: special Kaas taur par: specially, particularly Kaasakar: specially Kaasiyat (f.): special quality, characteristic Kaavi.nd (m.): husband Kabar (f.): news Kabardaar (f.): watchful, watch out! Kair: well, anyway Karaab: bad, faulty Karch (m.): expenditure, expenses Karch karanaa: to spend Kariidnaa: to buy Kat (m.): letter, correspondence Katm honaa (i.): to end Katm karanaa (t.): to finish Kud: oneself Kudaa haafiz: goodbye Kush: happy Kushii (f.): happiness, pleasure Kushii se: happily, gladly Kuub: good, abundant, very very well, ver Kuubasuurat: beautiful Kuun (m.): blood Kyaal (m.): opinion, thought la.Dka (m.): boy la.Dkii (f.): girl la.Dnaa: to fight la.nbaa: tall (of people, trees) la.nbaa-chau.Daa: huge, vast la.ngar (n.m.) [P]: anchor, cable, rope, public kitchen, alms laHzah (n.m.) [A]: the twinkling of an eye, moment, glance laa (suff.) [A]: no, not, by no means, without laa chaar (adj.): helpless, destitute, forlorn, disabled laa javaab (adj.): rendered speechless, silenced laa vaaris (adj.): heirless laa'iq (adj.) [A]: worthy, suitable, able, qualified, decent laaThii (f.): staff, stick, truncheon laabh (m.): profit, advantage laadnaa: to load laakh (m.): 100000, lac, lakk laal: red laanaa: to bring laaparavaah: careless laaparavaahii (f.): carelessness laash (n.f, m.) [T]: corpse laayaq: capable, worth, suitable, worthy laazim (adj.) [A]: necessary, compulsory, important lab (n.m.) [P]: the lip, edge, margin, shore, bank lafz (n.m.) [A]: word, saying lagaam (n.f.) [H]: bridle, rein lagaanaa: to apply, attach lagaataar: continuously lagabhag: about, approximately laganaa: to be applied, to seem, to begin to laka.Dii (f.): wood; stick

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lakhapati (m.): wealthy person, millionaire lamHah (n.m.) [A]: minute, moment lang (n.m.) [P]: lameness, limp laoo (n.f.) [H]: candle flame, ardent desire, attachment lapakanaa: to rush forward, pounce larzaa.n (adj.) [P]: termbling, tremulous, fearing lassii (f.): lassi (a yoghout drink) lataafat (n.f.) [P]: pleasantness, elegance, subtility lateefah (n.m.) [A]: pleasantry, witticism, joke latmah (n.m.) [A]: slap, blow lauH (n.f.) [A]: plank, board, table, tablet, title page lauTanaa: to return (intr) lazzat (n.f.) [A]: taste, flavor, enjoyment, pleasure lekh (m.): article, paper lekin: but lenaa: to take letaanaa: to make lie down letanaa: to lie down liTaanaa: to make lie down lifaafah (n.m.) [A]: cover, envelope, wrapper, secret likhanaa: to write liyaaqat (n.f.) [A]: worth, ability, merit, skill log: people lokpriy: popular lughat (n.m.) [A]: tongue, speech, dialect, word, dictionary luknat (n.f.) [A]: stammering, speech impediment lutf (n.m.) [A]: kindness, favor, grace, pleasure mR^ityu (f.): death ma'loom (adj.) [A]: known, evident, clear ma'mool (adj.) [A]: governed, prepared, customary ma'nee (n.m.) [A]: meaning, intent, signifcance, reality, essence ma'shooq (n.m.) [A]: beloved, sweetheart ma.Ngvaanaa: to order, ask for, buy ma.ndir (m.): temple ma.ngal (m.): Tuesday ma.ngalvaar (m.): Tuesday maHabbat (n.f.) [A]: love, friendship maHboob (adj.) [A]: loved, lovely maHboob (n.m.) [A]: lover, friend, sweetheart maHboobah (n.f.) [A]: mistress, sweetheart maHboos (adj.) [A]: confined, imprisoned maHdood (adj.) [A]: limited, bounded, finite maHfil (n.f.) [A]: congregation, assembly maHfooz (adj.) [A]: kept safe, guarded, secure, memorized maHjoob (n.m.) [A]: modesty, shame, bashfulness maHroom (adj.) [A]: deprived, unlucky, prohibited, disappointed maHsood (adj.) [A]: envied, hated maHsoos (adj.) [A]: felt, perceived, sensible maHzooz (adj.) [A]: pleased, delighted, rich, contented ma_ii (f.): May maa (adv.) [A]: which, what, that which, whilst, during... maa Haul (n.m.): surroundings, environs maa ba'd (adj.): following maa faat (adj.): what is past or dead maa varaa (adj.): what is beyond or behind maa.N (f.): mother

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maa.N-baap (m.): parents maa.Ng (f.): demand maa.Nganaa: to demand, ask for maa.Ns (m.): meat maaf karanaa: to pardon, forgive maagh (m.): the month Maagh (Jan-Feb) maah (n.m.) [P]: the moon, month maah jabeen (adj.): a beautiful person maah paaraa (adj.): handsome, beloved maah taab (n.m.): moonlight maah vash (adj.): having a face as beautiful as the moon maahir (adj.) [A]: skilled, expert, master, excel maal (n.m.) [A]: riches, property, merchandise, revenue maal (m.): goods, produce, stuff, property maalik (n.m.) [A]: master, lord, owner, God maalik (m.): boss, proprietor, master maaluum: known maamaa (m.): maternal uncle maamalaa (m.): matter, affair maamii (f.): wife of maternal uncle maamuulii: ordinary, commonplace maananaa: to accept, agree, believe maananiiy: revered, respected maani' (n.m.) [A]: impediment, hinderance, objection, stopper maano.n: as though, as if maar (f.): beating maar khaanaa: to undergo a beating maarch (m.): March maarnaa: to beat, hit, kill maas (m.): month maatR^ibhaashhaa (f.): mother tongue maataa (f.): mother maataa-pitaa (m.): parents maatam (n.m.) [A]: mourning, grief maathaa (m.): forehead maayoos (adj.) [A]: without hope, disappointed machchhar (m.): mosquito machchharadaanii (f.): mosquito net madaar (n.m.) [A]: circumference, orbit, station, dependence madad (n.f.) [A]: help, assistance, reinforcement, wages madad (f.): help madhosh (adj.) [A]: intoxicated, astonished madhur: sweet, melodious maflook (adj.) [A]: indigent, beggarly, destitute maftoon (adj.) [A]: tempted, enamored, charmed, mad (with love) magar (conj.) [P]: unless, perhaps, except, but, however magar: but maghloob (adj.) [A]: conquered, subdued maghroor (adj.) [A]: proud, arrogant maghz (n.m.) [P]: brain, pith, intellect maha.Ngaa: expensive mahaatmaa (m.): saintly; saint mahal (m.): palace mahasuus karanaa: to feel, experience mahattv (m.): importance mahattvapuurN: important mahiinaa (m.): month mahiine ke mahiine: month by month mahilaa (f.): lady

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mahoday: sir mahodayaa: madam mahtaab (n.m.) [P]: moonlight mai (n.f.) [P]: wine, liquor mai kadah (n.m.): bar, tavern mai khaanah (n.m.): bar, tavern mai.n: I maidaan (n.m.) [A]: open field, battlefield, ground mailaa: dirty majaal (n.f.) [A]: power, strength, stability, opportunity majabuur: helpless, compelled majabuur karanaa par: to compel majma' (n.m.) [A]: congregation, assemblage, crowd, collection majnoo.n (adj.) [A]: insane, madly in love majrooh (adj.) [A]: wounded, hurt, smitten makaan (n.m.) [A]: house, place, habitation makhboot (adj.) [A]: mad, insane makhmal (n.m.) [A]: velvet makhmoor (adj.) [A]: intoxicated, drunk makkaar (adj.) [A]: cunning, artful, deceitful makkhan (m.): butter maknoon (adj.) [A]: hidden, concealed malaal (n.m.) [A]: sadness, grief, langor, fatigue malaamat (n.f.) [A]: censure, rebuke malamaas (m.): leap month malool (adj.) [A]: sad, depressed, tired, bored namaste (f.): greetings, goodbye mameraa bhaaii (m.): maternal cousin mamerii bahin (f.): maternal cousin man (m.): mind, heart man karanaa: to feel at home mana' (n.m.) [A]: prohibition, refusal, hindrance, forbidding manaa: forbidden, prohibited manaa karanaa: to forbit, prohibit manaanaa: to celebrate (festival, holiday) manish (n.f.) [P]: heart, mind, soul, magnanimity, pride mantrii (m.): minister manzar (n.m.) [A]: countenance, visage, sight, aspect, scene manzil (n.f.) [A]: day's journey, destination, storey, house manzoor (adj.) [A]: admired, chosen, approved, accepted, granted maqaal (n.m.) [A]: word, speech, saying, proverb maqaam (n.m.) [A]: dwelling, station, position, basis maqbarah (n.m.) [A]: tomb, grave maqbool (adj.) [A]: accepted, chosen, grateful maqsad (n.m.) [A]: intention, purpose, aim, goal, desire maqsood (adj.) [A]: intended, proposed marammat (f.): repair maranaa: to die marazii (f.): wish, preference mard (n.m.) [P]: man, male, hero, husband mareez (n.m.) [A]: patient marghoob (adj.) [A]: desired, beautiful marhalah (n.m.) [A]: stage, inn, day's journey, difficulty marham (n.m.) [A]: ointment, salve, cure marhoom (adj.) [A]: dead, deceased mariiz (m.): patient marmar (n.m.) [G]: marble marqoom (adj.) [A]: written, inscribed martabah (n.f., m.) [A]: degree, office, class, order

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masaalaa (m.): Spice masal (n.f.) [A]: proverb, example mash'al (n.f.) [A]: torch, lantern mash_huur: famous mashhoor (adj.) [A]: noted, famous, reported, proclaimed masroor (adj.) [A]: glad, cheerful, pleased mast (adj.) [P]: drunk, intoxicated mat: do not matalab (m.): meaning; motive, selfinterest matin (adj.) [A]: strong, solid, vigorous, obstinate matlab (n.m.) [A]: object, aim, meaning, motive, wish, desire matrook (adj.) [A]: abandoned, obsolete, rejected matvalaa (adj.) [A]: intoxicated, inebriated mauj (n.f.) [A]: wave, surge, enjoyment, ecstasy, caprice, plenty maujood (adj.) [A]: present, existing, at hand, ready mauqa' (n.m.) [A]: occasion, opportunity, place, situation mauqaa (m.): opportunity, chance, occasion mausaa (m.): husband of maternal aunt mausam (n.m.) [A]: season, time, weather mausii (f.): maternal aunt maut (n.f.) [A]: death, mortality mazaa (m.): pleasure, fun mazaa aanaa: to enjoy, have fun mazaa lenaa: to enjoy mazaaq (n.m.) [A]: joke, taste, relish, perception mazaaqiyaa: witty, funny, humorous mazaar (n.m.) [A]: shrine, tomb, grave mazaduur (m.): labourer mazah (n.m.) [P]: taste, relish, enjoyment, pleasure mazboot (adj.) [A]: strong, firm, resolute, valid mazhab (n.m.) [A]: religion, sect, doctrine mazloom (adj.) [A]: injure, oppressed, wronged me.n: in me.n se: from amongst, out of me.nDhak (m.): frog me.nh (m.): rain mehamaan (m.): guest mehanat (f.): hard work, labour meharabaanii (f.): kindness melaa (m.): fair meraa: my, mine mez (f.): table miHnat (n.f.) [A]: labor, toil, difficulty, trial miThaaii (f.): sweet, sweetmeat miThaas (f.): sweetness mihmaan (n.m.) [P]: guest mihrbaani (n.f.) [P]: favor, kindness miiTar (m.): meter miiThaa: sweet miil (f.): mile milaanaa: to bring together, unite, mix milanaa se: to meet; to be available milanaa-julanaa se: to associate, mix, resemble milanasaar: friendly, sociable minaT (m.): minute misaal (adj.) [A]: simile, likeness, metaphor, example mitr (m.): friend mizaaj (n.m.) [A]: mixture, temperament, humor, pride mizaaj (m.): mood, temperament

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mo.D (m.): bend, turning, fold mo.Danaa: to turn moHzoon (adj.) [A]: grieved, vexed moTaa: fat, coarse mol-bhaav karanaa: to bargain, haggle mom (n.m.) [P]: wax moojib (n.m.) [A]: cause, reason mu'aahid (n.m.) [A]: ally, confederate mu'ijzah (n.m.) [A]: miracle mu.Dnaa: to turn mu.Nh (m.): face, mouth muHaafiz (n.m.) [A]: protector, guardian, guard muHallah (n.m.) [A]: quarter(of a city), street, ward muHsin (n.m.) [A]: patron, benefactor muHtaj (adj.) [A]: needy, poor, defective mua'yyid (adj.) [A]: corroborative, confirmatory mubaahaat (n.m.) [A]: contending for glory, boasting, arrogance mubaarak (adj.) [A]: auspicious, blessed, felicitation mubtada (n.m.) [A]: commencement, principle mudaam (adv.) [A]: eternally, always, continually muddat (n.f.) [A]: period(of time) mufeed (adj.) [A]: profitable, beneficial, useful muflis (adj.) [A]: poor, indigent, bankrupt muft (adj.) [P]: free, gratis muft me.n: free of charge muhaajir (n.m.) [A]: refugee, emigrant muhallaa (m.): locality, area of town muhlat (n.f.) [A]: retarding, delay, respite, leisure mujrim (adj.) [A]: criminal, culpable, faulty mujrim (n.m.) [A]: felon, criminal, sinner mukaddar (adj.) [A]: turbid, muddy, sullen, gloomy, vexed mukarrar (adv.) [A]: repeatedly, again mukh: mouth, face mukhtasar (adj.) [A]: concise, abbreviated mukhy: main, principal, chief mukti (f.): liberation, salvation mulaa'im (adj.) [A]: soft, tender, gentle, placid mulaaqaat (n.f.) [A]: meeting, encounter, interview, visit mulaazim (n.m.) [A]: servant, aide mulk (n.m.) [A]: nation, realm, territory mumakin (adj.) [A]: possible, feasible mumtaaz (adj.) [A]: exalted, eminent, chosen munHasir (adj.) [A]: surrounded, besieged, dependent, resting munaasib (n.f.) [A]: proper, suitable, fit, apt, congruous muqaabil (adj.) [A]: opposite, converse, against, matching muqaabilaa karanaa se: to compete, compare muqaddam (adj.) [A]: antecedent, prior, superior, chief muqaddar (n.m.) [A]: fate, destiny, predestination muqarrar (adj.) [A]: established, fixed, certain, customary, permanent muqir (adj.) [A]: confessing, admitting, acknowledging muraad (n.f.) [A]: desire, will, intention, vow, tenor, meaning murchchhaa (f.): fainting murdah (adj.) [P]: dead, weak, decrepit murshid (n.m.) [A]: teacher, spiritual guide musaafir (n.m.) [A]: traveller, stranger musaafir (m.): traveller musalamaan (m.): Mulim museebat (n.f.) [A]: misfortune, calamity, adversity, evil mushkil (adj.) [A]: difficult, intricate, hard, painful

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mushkil (f.) [A]: difficulty mushkil se: with difficulty, barely musiibat (f.): difficulty, calamity muskaraanaa: to smile muta'assib (adj.) [A]: prejudiced, partial, superstitious mutaHammil (adj.) [A]: affable, tolerant, patient, passive mutaassif (adj.) [A]: sorrowful, repentant, grieving mutabassim (adj.) [A]: smiling, laughing mutaqbiq (adj.) [A]: conformable, suitable, like, in accordance with mutaraddid (adj.) [A]: hesitant, perplexed, wavering, grieved mutavaqqi' (adj.) [A]: expecting, hopeful muu.Ngaphalii (f.): peanut muurti (f.): idol, image, statue muyassar (adj.) [A]: facilitated, easy, possible, feasible na: not na .. na: neither .. nor na jaane: God knows, who knows na'eem (n.f.) [A]: pleasure, ease, tranquility na'sh (n.f.) [A]: coffin, corpse, bier na.nbar (m.): number naTakhaT: naughty, mischievous naa (pref.) [P&H]: no, not, termination of the infinitive naa aashnaa (adj.): not acquainted, stranger naa chaar (adj.): helpless, destitute, forlorn naa cheez (adj.): trifling, insignificant, worthless naa daani (n.f.): ignorance naa daanistah (adv.): unwittingly, unknowingly naa daari (n.f.): poverty naa deedah (adj.): greedy naa fahm (adj.): stupid naa farmaan (adj.): disobedient naa gavaar (adj.): unpleasant, unpalatable naa insaafi (n.f.): injustice naa ittifaaqi (n.f.): discord, disagreement naa jaa'iz (adj.): unlawful naa kaam (adj.): unsuccessful naa kas (adj.): worthless, base naa khushi (n.f.): disagreeableness, displeasure naa laa'iq (adj.): unworthy, unsuitable, improper naa ma'loom (adj.): unknown naa manzoor (adj.): disallowed naa mard (adj.): unmanly naa mumkin (adj.): impossible naa muraad (adj.): disappointed naa paa'idari (n.f.): inconstancy, frailty naa pasand (adj.): disliked, unacceptable, offensive naa qaabil (adj.): unfit, unworthy, incapable naa qadr (adj.): unappreciative naa raasti (n.f.): dishonesty naa raazi (n.f.): discontent naa saaf (adj.): unclean, impure, unchaste naa saaz (adj.): indisposed, dissonant, uncivil naa saboor (adj.): impatient, restless naa samajh (adj.): ignorant, dull, foolish naa shaad (adj.): cheerless, joyless, dull naa shinaas (adj.): ignorant

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naa shukr (adj.): ungrateful naa taaqat (adj.): weak, feeble naa tamaam (adj.): incomplete naa tars (adj.): hard-hearted, severe, pitiless naa tavaani (n.f.): weakness, inability naa ummeedee (n.f.): hopelessness, despair naa yaab (adj.): scarce, rare naa'ib (n.m) [A]: assistant, deputy naa'o (n.f.) [H]: boat, ship, vessel naa-onosh (n.m.) [P]: carousing, feasting naach (n.m.) [H]: dance naachanaa: to dance naadim (adj.) [A]: penitent, ashamed, bashful naadir (adj.) [A]: rare, singular, precious naafiz (adj.) [A]: having effect, piercing naak (suff.) [P]: affected with, full of naak (f.): nose naak bahanaa: have a runny nose naakhun (n.m.) [P]: nail, claw naalaan (adj.) [P]: lamenting, moaning naalish (n.f.) [P]: complaint, accusation naam (n.m.) [P]: name, title, honor, fame, renown naamah (n.m.) [P]: treatise, book, history naamak: named naanaa (f.): maternal grandfather naanaa-naanii (m.): maternal grandparents naanii (f.): maternal grandmother naar (n.f.) [A]: fire, hell naaraaz: displeased, angry naashtaa (m.): breakfast naasoot (n.m.) [A]: humanity, human nature naataa (n.m.) [H]: relationship, alliance, kin, affinity naatii (m.): daugther's son naatin (f.): daughter's daugther naaz (n.m.) [P]: coquetry, airs, pride, elegance, softness, delicacy naazish (n.f.) [P]: pride, arrogance naazuk (adj.) [P]: thin, slender, fragile, delicate nabbe: ninety, 90 nabi (n.m.) [A]: a prophet nabz (n.f.) [A]: the pulse nadeem (n.m.) [A]: intimate friend nae sire se: from a new beginning nafarat (n.f.) [A]: aversion, disgust, fright, terror nafarat karanaa se: to hate nafs (n.m.) [A]: soul, spirit, essence nagar (m.): city, town naghmaah (n.m.) [A]: melody, song, musical note nahaanaa: to bath, wash oneself nahii.n: no, not nahii.n to: otherwise najeeb (adj.) [A]: praiseworthy, noble, generous najm (n.m.) [A]: star, planet, fortune, horoscope nakbat (n.f.) [A]: calamity, misfortune nakhraah (n.m.) [A]: airr, coquetry, trick, pretence, swagger nal (m.): pipe, tap nam (adj.) [P]: moist, wet, damp nam (n.m.) [P]: moisture, wetness, dampness namaaz (n.f.) [A]: prayer namak (m.): salt

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namakiin (m.): salty, savoury snacks namaskaar (m.): greetings, goodbye namaste (f.): greetings, goodbye namoonah (n.m.) [P]: example, sample, specimen namuunaa (m.): example, specimen, type nanad (f.): husband's sister nanadoii (m.): husband of husband's sister naoo (adj.) [P]: new, fresh, raw naql (n.f.) [A]: narration, tale, mimicing, copying, aping naqli (adj.) [A]: artificial, spurious, counterfiet naqsh (n.m.) [A]: painting, picture, map, mark naqshah (n.m.) [A]: portrait, model, design, example nar (n.m.) [S&P]: man, male nargis (n.f.) [P]: Narcissus, the eye of a mistress narm (adj.) [P]: smooth, tender, soft, slow naseeHat (n.f.) [A]: advice, counsel, admonition naseeb (n.m.) [A]: fortune, fate, destiny naseem (n.f.) [A]: Zephyr, gentle breeze nashaah (n.m.) [P]: intoxication, pride, arrogance nasheen (adj.) [P]: sitting nashtaa karanaa: to have breakfast nataa'ij (n.m.) [A]: results, consequences (plu. of nateejah) nateejaa (n.m.) [A]: result nau: nine, 9 nau bahaar (n.f.): early spring nau javaani (n.f.): youth, prime of life nau nihaal (n.m.): sapling, young man naubat (n.f.) [A]: turn, time naukar (m.): servant naukar-chaakar (m.): servants and domestics naukarii (f.): service, job naukarii karanaa: to server, do a job nava.nbar (m.): November navaasii: eighty-nine, 89 navaazish (n.f.) [P]: kindness, favor, patronage nayaa: new nazaafat (n.f.) [A]: purity, neatness nazaakat (n.f.) [P]: neatness, elegance, politeness nazaarah (n.m.) [A]: sight, view, vista nazar (n.f.) [A]: look, glance, favor, motive, view, countenance nazar aanaa: to come into sight, be seen, appear nazar dau.Daanaa: to look around nazdeek (adj.) [P]: near nazm (n.f.) [A]: poetry, verse nazm (n.m.) [A]: order, arangement neelaam (n.m.) [(Port.)]: auction nek (adj.) [P]: good, lucky, virtuous, pious ni'am (n.f.) [A]: favors, benefits ni.ndaa (f.): blame, speaking ill of, condemnatio nigaah (n.f.) [P]: look, glance, sight, custody, care nigaah baan (n.m.): protector, guard nigaar (n.m.) [P]: painting, picture, sweetheart, beloved nihaa.n (n.m) [P]: latent, hidden, secret, nihaal (n.m) [P]: sapling nii.nd (f.): sleep nii.nd aanaa: to feel sleeply, fall asleep niiche: under, beneath, below niilaa: blue nikaT: near

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nikaah (n.m.) [A]: matrimony nikaalanaa: to take out, extract, bring out nikalanaa: to emerge, come, go out nim (adj.) [P]: middle, half ninyaanave: ninety-nine, 99 niraalee (adj.) [H]: unequalled, rare, strange nisaar (n.m.) [A]: throwing, dispersion, scattering, sacrifice nisbat (n.f) [A]: relation, affinity, attribute, comparison nishaan (n.m.) [P]: mark, sign, signal, emblem, target, scar, trace nishaanee (n.f.) [P]: mark, sign, souvenir, keepsake nishachay karanaa: to decide, resolve nivedan (m.): request, submission niyaaz (n.f.) [P]: desire, plea, poverty, need niyoosh (adj.) [P]: listening, hearing niyyat (n.f.) [A]: intention, purpose, will, aim nizaam (n.m.) [A]: order, arrangement, custom, system noTis (m.): notice noor (n.m) [A]: light nuktah (n.m.) [A]: subtlety conceit, point of wit, epigram nuktah been (adj.): hypercritical nuktah cheen (adj.): captious nuktah daan (adj.): sagacious numaa'ish (n.f.) [P]: show, display, sight, spectacle nuqsaan (n.m.) [A]: loss nusrat (n.f.) [A]: victory o (conj.) [P]: and o.Dhnaa: to cover, wrap, wear oTh (m.): lip pa.Daa: lying pa.Danaa: to fall, lie pa.Dhaaii (f.): study, studies pa.Dhaanaa: to teach pa.Dhanaa: to read, study pa.Dosii (m.): neighbour pa.nDit (m.): learned man, pandit pa.ndrah: fifteen, 15 paTTii (f.): bandage paTTii baa.Ndhanaa: to apply a bandage paa (n.m.) [P]: leg, foot, root of a tree paa ba.nd (n.m): fettered, bound, subjugated paa maal (adj.): trodden under foot, ruined paa yaab (adj.): fordable, within man's depth paa.Nch: five, 5 paa.Nchavaa.N: fifth, 5th paa.Nv (m.): foot, leg paa.Nv kii u.Ngalii (f.): toe paaTh (m.): lesson, reading paagal (adj.) [H]: mad, insane, idiotic, distressed paagal (m.): mad, crazy, madman paaii (f.): pie, 1, 3 of an old paisaa paalanaa: to rear, bring up paanaa: to find, obtain paanii (n.m.) [H]: water, rain, lustre, character, honor

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paanii pa.Dnaa: to rain paar (n.m.) [H]: opposite bank, the end, termination paar daari (n.f.): favor, partiality, favoritism paas (n.m.) [P]: custody, regard, supervision paas: nearby paas baan (n.m.): guard, sentinel pachaanaa: to digest pachaanave: ninety-five, 95 pachaas: fifty, 50 pachaasii: eighty-five, 85 pachahattar: seventy-five, 75 pachapan: fifty-five, 55 pachchiis: twenty-five, 25 pad (m.): lyric poem, hymn pad (m.): position, office padhaaranaa: to grace (a place by arriving) paga.Dii (f.): turban pahaa.D (m.): mountain, hill pahachaananaa: to recognise, identify pahalaa: first pahale: previously, ago, (at) first pahale-pahal: for the first time pahananaa: to wear, put on pahar (m.): 8th part of a day, 3-hour periode pahloo (n.m.) [P]: side, advantage, flank of an army pahuu.Nchaanaa: to convey, cause to reach, deliver pahuu.Nchanaa: to reach, arrive at pai.nsaTh: sixty-five, 65 pai.ntaaliis: forty-five, 45 pai.ntiis: thirty-five, 35 paidaa honaa: to be born, produced paidal: on foot paighaam (n.m.) [P]: message, news, advice paikeT (m.): packet paimaan (n.m.) [P]: promise, agreement, oath, confirmation pair (m.): foot paisaa (m.): money, 1, 100 of a rupee pak (adj.) [P]: pure, holy, immaculate, chaste, undefiled paka.Dnaa: to catch, grab, hold pakaanaa (t.): to cook pakeezah (adj.) [P]: pure, clean, neat pakkaa: ripe, cooked, well-made pal (n.m.) [H]: a moment pala.ng (m.): bed palaTanaa: to turn over, turn back palak (n.f.) [H]: eyelash, a moment, an instant panaah (n.f.) [P]: protection, asylum, refuge pannaa (m.): page par: but par: on, at (etc.) par se: from on para.ntu: but paradaa (m.): curtain, purdah paraknaa (v.) [H]: to examine, to test paraso.n: the day before yesterday, tomorrow parastish (n.m.) [P]: worship paravaah (f.): concern, care, heed paravaah karanaa: to care pardah (n.m.) [P]: curtain, screen, veil, secrecy, privacy

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pareshaan (adj.) [P]: troubled, distracted, distressed pareshaan: worried, anxious parichay (m.): introduction, acquaintance parichay karanaa: to introduce pariikshhaa (f.): examination pariikshhaa denaa: to sit an examination parivaar (m.): family parivash (adj.) [P]: fairy-like, beautiful parvaanah (n.m.) [P]: moth, lover, warrant, permission parvarish (n.f.) [P]: fostering, rearing, sustenance, protecting pasa.nd (f.) [P]: pleasing, favourite, liking pasa.nd karanaa [P]: to choose, prefer, like pashachim (m.): western, west pashemaan (n.f.) [P]: penitent, repentant, ashamed pasinaa (n.m.) [H]: perspiration, sweat pataa (m.): address pataa chalanaa: to become aware of, learn of patalaa: thin, slender pati: husband patidev (m.): husband patnii (f.): wife patohuu (f.): son's wife patr (m.): letter, paper paudhaa (m.): plant paun: three-quarters, 3, 4 paunaa: three-quaters, 3, 4 paune: a quarter to, less a quarter paushh (m.): the month Paus (Dec-Jan) pavitr: pure, sacre, holy payaam (n.m.) [P]: message pe.D (m.): tree pe.nsil (f.): pencil peT (m.): stomach peshaab (m.): urine peshaab karanaa: to urinate peshaab-ghar (m.): toilet, urinal peshaah (n.m.) [P]: craft, trade, profession pha.Nsanaa: to be involved, caught up phaTanaa: to be torn, split phaa.Dnaa: to tear, split, cleave phaagun (m.): the month Phaalgun (Feb-Mar) phaalgun (m.): the month Phaalgun (Feb-Mar) phailanaa: to spread phal (m.): fruit phe.nkanaa: to throw phepha.Daa (m.): lung pheriivaalaa (m.): hawker phernaa: to turn, return phiikaa: tasteless, dull, unsweetened phir: then, again phir bhii: even so phirnaa: to turn, return, wander phuul (m.): flower phuuphaa (m.): husband of father's younger sister phuuphii (f.): father's younger sister pi.njaraa (m.): cage pichhalaa: previous, last piiTh (f.): back piichhaa (m.): rear part, pursuit

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piichhe: behind, after piilaa: yellow piinaa: to drink, smoke pilaanaa: to give to drink pitaa: father pleTafaarm (m.): platform potaa (m.): son's son potii (f.): son's daughter praNaam (m.): respectful greetings praayaH: usually, often, almost prabhu (m.): lord prabhu kaa pyaara hona: to go to heaven prachalit: current pradesh (m.): province, state pradhaan ma.ntrii (m.): prime minister prakaar (m.): variety, kind, manner, way prakaash (m.): light pramukh: principal, chief, main prasann: pleased, happy prasha.nsaa (f.): praise pratishat: per cent pravesh karanaa: to enter prayog (m.): use prem (m.): love prem karanaa se: to love priy: dear, favourite priyvar: dearest prograam (m.): programme pukaarnaa: to call, call out pulis (f.): police punashach: PS, postscipt puraanaa: old (not of people) pustak (f.): book puu.Njii (f.): capital, investment puuchh-taachh (f.): inquiry, investigation puuchh-taachh karana se: to enquire, make enquiries puuchhanaa: to ask puujaa (f.): worship, adoration puujy: revered puuraa: full, complete, whole puuraa honaa: to be complete puuraa karanaa: to complete puurv (m.): east puus (m.): the month Paus (Dec-Jan) pyaalaa (m.): cup pyaar (m.): love pyaar karanaa se: to love pyaaraa (m.): dear, beloved, dear one pyaas (f.): thirst qaa'idah (n.m.) [A]: custom, rule, manners, habit, established order qaa'il (adj.) [A]: confessing, agreeing, conceding, subdued qaa'im (adj.) [A]: erect, stagnant, firm, durable qaabil (adj.) [A]: worthy, able, competent, deserving, clever qaaboo (n.m.) [P]: power, command, authority, possession, hold qaafiyah (n.m.) [A]: rhyme, metre, cadence qaanoon (n.m.) [A]: rule, law, system, state

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qaanuun (m.): law qaatil (n.m.) [A]: murderer, assassin, homicide qaazee (n.m.) [A]: judge qabr (n.f.) [A]: grave, tomb qabzah (n.m.) [A]: gridp, clutch, possessing, power, hilt of a sword qadam (n.m.) [A]: step, pace, footstep qadd (n.m.) [A]: stature, size, height qadr (n.f.) [A]: dignity, honor, worth, value qafas (n.m.) [A]: cage, network, body qai (f.): vomiting, nausea qai aanaa: to feel sick qai honaa: to be sick qai karanaa: to be sick qaid (n.f.) [A]: imprisonment, confinement, obstacle, control qalam (n.m.) [A]: reed, pen, handwriting qalam (m.): pen qalb (n.m.) [A]: heart, mind, soul, intellect, marrow, pith qamar (n.m.) [A]: the moon qamiiz (f.): shirt qaraar (n.m.) [A]: residence, stability, rest, patience, satisfaction qareeb (adj.) [A]: near, adjacent, akin, approaching qariib: close, near, about, almost, nearly qarz (n.m.) [A]: debt, loan qasam (n.m.) [A]: an oath qataar (f.): line, row qatl (n.m.) [A]: killing, murder, assassination qaul (n.m.) [A]: word, saying, promise, consent, vow qaum (n.m.) [A]: nation, people qazaa (n.f.) [A]: fate, destiny, jurisdiction, judgement qeemat (n.m.) [A]: price, value, woth, cost qiimat (f.): price, value qiimatii: costly, valuable qism (n.f.) [A]: sort, kind, species, portion, nature qismat (n.f.) [A]: fortune, fate, share, portion, head, category qissah (n.m.) [A]: tale, fable, romance, quarrel, dispute qiyaamat (n.f.) [A]: resurrection, Judgement Day, tumult qubool (n.m.) [A]: consent, acceptance, assent, recognition qudrat (n.f.) [A]: power, strength, universe, nature qurbaan (n.m.) [A]: sacrifice, victim, offering qusoor (n.m.) [A]: fault, defect, blame, sin, failure ra.ng (n.m.) [P]: color, dye, fashion, enjoyment ra.ng karanaa: to colour ra.ngeen (adj.) [P]: colored, lively, elegant, flowery, figurative ra.ngiilaa: colorful person ra.nj (n.m.) [P]: grief, sorrow, trouble, inconvience ra.njish (n.m.) [P]: grief, indignation, misunderstanding, anguish raaHat (n.f.) [A]: rest, repose, comfort, tranquility, ease raah (n.f.) [P]: road, pathcustom, journey, method raah bar (n.m.): a guide raah numaa (n.m.): conductor, leader, guide raajaa (m.): king raajadhaanii (f.): capital city raam kahaanii (f.): tale of woe raam navamii (f.): Raam's birthday raam raam!: Greetings! raanii (f.): queen

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raashhTrabhaashhaa (f.): national language raast (adj.) [P]: true, honest, straight, even, level raastaa (m.): road, way, route raastaa me.n: on the way, en route raastah (n.m.) [P]: path, road, manner raat (f.): night raaz (n.m.) [P]: mystery, secret raazi (adj.) [A]: willing, satisfied, agreed, pleased rabb (n.m.) [A]: creator, god rachanaa: to compose, create radd (n.m.) [A]: rejection, repulsion, returning rafeeq (n.m.) [A]: friend, ally rafi' (adj.) [A]: high, sublime, exalted raftaar (n.f.) [P]: speed, pace, walk, motion raftaar (f.): speed raghbat (n.f.) [P]: strong desire, esteem, pleasure rahanaa: to stay, remain, reside, live rahanevaalaa (m.): inhabitant rahm (n.m.) [A]: mercy, pity, compassion, kindness, tenderness raik (m.): rack rakhanaa: to put, place, keep, hold raqam (f.): sum, amount raqeeb (n.m.) [A]: rival, competitor raqs (n.m.) [A]: dance, dancing rasan (n.f.) [P]: rope, string, cord rashk (n.m.) [P]: jealousy, envy, malice, spite rasm (n.f.) [A]: marking, writing, established usage, model, law rasoiighar (m.): kitchen rasool (n.m.) [A]: a prophet raunaq (n.f.) [A]: lustre, beauty, elegance, freshness raushan (adj.) [P]: light, illuminated, bright, clear, splendid ravaanah (adj.) [P]: despatched, proceeding ravivaar (m.): Sunday razm (n.m.) [P]: war, battle reDiyo (m.): radio relagaa.Dii (f.): train relave (f.): railway resham (n.m.) [P]: silk resham (m.): silk reshamii: silken riaayat (f.): concession, discount rikshaa (m.): rickshaw rishtah (n.m.) [P]: thread, line, relationship, kinship, alliance rishtedaar (m.): relative rivaaj (m.): practice, custom, usage rog (m.): illness rogii (m.): patient rokanaa (t.): to stop ronaa: to cry, weep ronaa-dhonaa: to weep and wail rooH (n.f.) [A]: soul, spirit, life, essence, divine revelation roshan (adj.) [P]: light, illuminated, bright, clear, splendid roz (adj.) [P]: daily, every day roz (n.m.) [P]: a day rozah (n.m.) [P]: a fast ruchi (f.): interest, liking, taste rukanaa: to stop rukh (n.m.) [P]: face, cheek, side, point rukhsaar (n.m.) [P]: face, cheek, complexion, aspect

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rukhsat (n.f.) [A]: leave, permission, dismissal, indulgence rulaanaa: to make cry rupayaa (m.): rupee; money rusvaa (adj.) [A]: infamous, dishonored, disgraced ruup (m.): form, beauty R^itu (f.): season sTeshan (m.): station sa'oobat (n.f.) [A]: difficulty, hardship sa.Dak (f.): road sa.Nbhaalanaa: to take hold of, collect sa.napaadak (m.): editor sa.nbhav: possible, probable sa.ndeh (m.): doubt, suspicion, apprehension sa.ngiit (m.): music sa.nkhyaa (f.): number sa.ntaraa (m.): orange sa.nvat (m.): year, era sa.nyog se: by chance saHar (n.m.) [A]: dawn, morning saHeeH (adj.) [A]: right, correct, genuine, sound, pure, just saHraa (n.m.) [A]: plain, desert saKt: hard, severe, harsh, strict saa'ir (n.m.) [A]: thw whole, the rest, wandering, walking, tax, duty saa.Dhe: plus a half; half past saa.Dhuu: husband of wife's sister saa.Dii (f.): sari saa.Np (m.): snake saa.Ns (f.): breath, breathing saa.Ns phuulanaa: to be out of breath, pant saa.nch (n.f.) [H]: truth, reality saa.ns (n.m., f.) [H]: breath, sigh saaHil (n.m.) [A]: shore, beach saaHir (n.m.) [A]: magician saaTh: sixty, 60 saabit (adj.) [A]: confirmed, established, fixed, stable saabit (n.m.) [A]: a fixed star saabun (m.): soap saadah (adj.) [P]: simple, plain, candid, sincere saadar: respectful saadhaaraN: ordinary saadhu (m.): Hindu holy man saaf (adj.) [A]: clean, pure, innocent, clear, legible, plain saaf: clean saaf karanaa: to clean saahab (m.): sir; master saahas (m.): courage saahib (n.m.) [A]: master, lord, ruler, companion, title saahity (m.): literature saaikil (f.): bicycle saajan (n.m.) [H]: lover, sweetheart, beloved saal (n.m.) [P]: year saalii (f.): wife's sister saalim (adj.) [A]: safe, sound, perfect, whole saamaan (n.m.) [P]: apparatus, custom, understanding, power saamaan (m.): furniture, luggage, goods saamane: opposite, facing

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saana.nd: happy, happily saaqee (n.m.) [A]: cup-bearer, page, beloved saaqib (adj.) [A]: shining brightly, splendid, sublime saaraa: entire, whole, all saarvat (n.f.) [A]: wealth, power, influence saas (f.): mother-in-law saat: seven, 7 saatavaa.N: seventh, 7th saath-saath: togehter, along with saathii (m.): companion, friend saavan (m.): the month Shravan (Jul-Aug) saayah (n.m.) [P]: shadow, shade, shelter, apparition saaz (n.m.) [P]: apparatus, equipment, concord saazish (n.f.) [P]: conspiracy, intrigue, collusion sab: all sab buchh: everything sab kahii.n: everywhere sab milakar: all together sabaat (n.m.) [A]: stability, endurance, resolution, constancy sabab (n.m.) [A]: cause, reason sabaq (n.m.) [A]: lesson, lecture, advancing sabhii: all sabr (n.m.) [A]: patience, endurance, submission, suffering sabt (n.m.) [A]: permanence, a seal, writing sach (m.): truth; true sachaaii (f.): truth, fact sachamuch: really, truly sachchaa: true, honest sachche artho.n me.n: in a true sense, truly sadmah (n.m.) [A]: shock, blow, calamity, collision, suffering sadr (n.m.) [A]: chest, bosom, chief safar (n.m.) [A]: journey safar (m.): journey, travel safar Karch (m.): travelling expenses safed (adj.) [P]: white safed: white sagaa: real (brother etc.) sahaaraa: Support sahasaa: suddenly sahelii (f.): girl's female friend sahii: correct, true, accurate sai.ntaaliis: forty-seven, 47 sai.ntiis: thirty-seven, 37 saika.Daa (m.): a hundered sailaab (n.m.) [A, P]: flood, deluge, torrent sair (n.f.) [A]: walk, excursion, recreation, amusem*nt sair (f.): walk, trip sair karanaa: to take a walk, go for a trip sajaanaa: to decorate, arrange sajdah (n.m.) [A]: prostration sajjan (m.): gentleman sakanaa: to be able to sakht (adj.) [P]: hard, firm, cruel, harsh, vehement saktah (n.m.) [P]: trance, swoon, pause sakushal: well salaaH (n.f.) [A]: peace, treaty, integrity, advice, counsel salaah (f.): advice salaah lenaa: to take advice salaam (n.m.) [A]: greeting, salutation, peace, safety, compliment

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salaam alaikum: greeting, salutation salahaj (f.): wife of wife's brother saleeqah (n.m.) [A]: good disposition, good taste, mode, skill samaachaar (m.): news samaachaar patr (m.): newspaper samaapt: finished, concluded samaapt honaa: to be finished, terminated samaapt karanaa: to finish, conclude samajh (f.): understanding samajh me.n aanaa: to understand samajhaanaa: to explain, persuade, console samajhanaa: to understand, think, consider samapark (m.): contract, connection, link samasyaa (f.): problem samay (m.): time samay nikaalanaa: to find time samosaa (m.): samosa (fried triangular pie) samudr (m.): sea, ocean san: year, era sanam (n.m.) [A]: idol, sweetheart, mistress sandarbh (m.): context sang (n.m.) [P]: stone, weight sanh (n.m.) [A]: year, era saniichar (m.): Saturday sapanaa (m.): dream sapanaa dekhanaa: to dream, have a dream saparivaar: with one's family saphal: successful saphalataa (f.): success saprem: affectionate, affectionately saptaah (m.): week sar (n.m.) [P]: head, top, pinnacle, origin, chief, desire sar afraaz (adj.): exalted sar basar (adv.): wholly, entirely sar bastah (adj.): hidden, secret sar buland (adj.): eminent, glorious sar taabee (n.f.): rebellion sar taaj (n.m.): chief, leader sar zameen (n.f.): country, limits, region sar-e dast (adv.): at present, immediately sar-e raah (adv.): on the road sar-e shaam (n.f.): about evening, evening sar-o saamaan (n.m.): necessities, furniture, luggage saraa (n.m.) [A]: the earth saradii (f.): cold; winter sarakaar (f.): government sarakaarii: governmental saral: simple, easy sarasaTh: sixty-seven, 67 sard (adj.) [P]: cold, damp, dull, dead sastaa: cheap sasur: father-in-law sasuraal: father-in-law's house sat shrii akaal: greeting (by Sikhs to Sikhs) satahattar: seventy-seven, 77 sattaaiis: twenty-seven, 27 sattaasii: eighty-seven, 87 sattaavan: fifty-seven, 57 sattanave: ninety-seven, 97

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sattar: seventy, 70 sau (m.): a hundered saudaa (n.m.) [P]: trade, marketing, goods saugand (n.m.) [P]: oath savaa: one and a quarter savaab (n.m.) [A]: reward, recompense savaabit (n.m.) [A]: the fixed stars (plu. of saabit) savaal (n.m.) [A]: question, petition, application, request, demand savaarii: passenger, rider saveraa (m.): morning savere: early in the morning sazaa (n.f.) [P]: correction, punishment, requital se: from (etc.) se ba.Dhakar: better than, superior to se hokar: via seb (m.): apple seenah (n.m.) [P]: chest, bosom seerat (n.m.) [A]: quality, nature, disposition sehat (f.): health sevaa (f.): service shaa'ir (n.m.) [A]: poet shaabaash (intj.) [P]: bravo! well done! (contr. of shaadbaash) shaabaash: well done! bravo! shaad (adj.) [P]: happy, cheerful, delighted shaadaab (adj.) [P]: full of water, fresh, agreeable, verdant shaadii (f.): marriage, wedding shaagird (n.m.) [P]: pupil, apprentice, servant shaah (n.m.) [P]: king, prince, monarch shaahtir (n.m.): a beam, roof support shaakaahaari (m.): vegetarian shaakh (n.f.) [P]: branch, bough, dilemma, difficulty, objection shaam (n.f.) [P]: evening shaamil (adj.) [A]: including, comprising, connected, mingled, common shaan (n.f.) [A]: dignity, glory, grandeur shaant: peaceful, quiet shaanti (f.): peace, tranquillity shaayad (adv.) [P]: perhaps, probably shaayad hii: scarcely, hardly shab (n.f.) [P]: night shab bakhair (intj.): goodnight! shabaab (n.m.) [A]: youth shabd (m.): word shabeenah (adj.) [P]: nocturnal shabnam (n.f.): dew shafaqat (n.f.) [A]: kindeness, compassion, mercy shahad (m.): honey shahar (m.): town, city shahd (n.m.) [P]: honey shaheed (n.m.) [A]: martyr shahr (n.m.) [P]: city shahzaadah (n.m.): prince shaikh (n.m.) [A]: elder shaitaan (n.m.) [A]: satan, devil, demon shakhs (n.m.) [A]: a person, individual, being, body shakk (n.m.) [A]: doubt, suspense, hesitation shakl (n.f.) [A]: form, appearance, model, image, diagram shakti (f.): power shama' (n.f.) [A]: lamp, candle shams (n.m.) [A]: the sun

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shamsher (n.f.) [P]: sword shanivaar (m.): Saturday sharaab (n.f.) [A]: wine, liquor, alcoholic drink sharaafat (n.f.) [A]: nobility, civility, good manners sharaarah (n.m.) [A]: spark, gleam, flash sharaarat (f.): mischief sharad (f.): autumn shareef (adj.) [A]: noble, eminent, honorable shariir (m.): body sharm (n.f.) [P]: shame, modesty shart (n.f.) [A]: condition, agreement, wager shauchaalay (m.): toilet, latrine shauq (n.m.) [A]: taste, fondness, desire, interest, hobby shekhi (n.f.) [A]: bragging sher (n.m.) [P]: lion, tiger, brave man sheshh (m.): remainder; remaining shi'r (n.m.) [A]: verse, couplet shiighr: promptly shikaar (n.m.) [P]: hunting, prey, victim shikaar honaa: to all prey to shikaar karanaa: to hunt shikaarii (m.): huntsman, hunter shikaayat (n.f.) [A]: complaint, accusation, illness, grievance shikshhaa (f.): education shikvah (n.m.) [A, P]: complaint, chiding shinaas (adj.) [P]: knowing, acquainted with, intelligence shireen (adj.) [P]: sweet, pleasant, gentle shishah (n.m.) [P]: glass, bottle, glass pane shishhy (m.): disciple shokh (adj.) [P]: playful, mischievous, bold, insolent shor (n.m.) [P]: noise, outcry, tumult, clamor, ardor shor machaanaa: to create a rumpus shor-sharaabaa (m.): noise and tumult shraavaN (m.): the month Shravan (Jul-Aug) shraddhey: revered shrii: Mr.; lord shriimaan (m.): honorific title shriimatii: Mrs. (Smt.) shu'lah (n.m.) [A]: flame, blaze, flash, light shu'oor (n.m.) [A]: wisdom, intellect shubh: auspicious, good shubhaakaa.nkshhii (m.): well-wisher; well-wishing shubhakaamanaae.N (f.): good wishes shuhrat (n.f.) [A]: renown, fame, rumor shujaa' (adj.) [A]: brave shukr (n.m.) [A]: gratitude shukr (m.): Friday shukravaar (m.): Friday shukriyaa (m.): thanks; thank you shumaar (n.m.) [P]: counting, numbering, estimation, account shuroo' (n.m.) [A]: beginning shuru karanaa (t.): to begin shuruu honaa (i.): to begin shuuny (m.): zero, blank sifaarish (n.f.) [P]: recommendation sigareT (f.): cigarette sii.Dhii (f.): step, stair siiT (f.): seat siiTii (f.): whistle

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siidhaa: straight, straightforward siidhe: straight siikhanaa: to learn sikh (m.): Sikh sikhaanaa: to teach silsilah (n.m.) [A]: chain, series, pedigree, genealogy sine: head sinemaa (m.): cinema sinemaa dekhanaa: to see a film sipaahii (m.): private soldier, constable siqaafat (n.f.) [A]: culture siqaahat (n.f.) [A]: reliability, trustworthiness siqaalat (n.f.) [A]: burden, weight sir (m.): head siraa (m.): end, extremity siraaj (n.m.) [A]: lamp, candle, sun sirf (adj.) [A]: only, mere, sheer sirf (adv.) [A]: purely, exclusively sita.nbar (m.): September sitaa.n (adj.) [P]: taking, seizing sitaar (f.): Sitar sitaarah (n.m.) [P]: star sitam (n.m.) [P]: oppression, tyranny, injustice, violence sivaa (adv.) [P]: except, save, but, besides siyaah (adj.) [P]: black, dark, unfortunate, bad skuul (m.): school snaan karana: to bath (esp. ritually) sneh (m.): love so: so sochanaa: to think solah: sixteen, 16 somavar: Monday sonaa: to sleep soona (adj.) [H]: void, empty, desolate, lonely soz (n.m.) [P]: burning, passion, vexation su.ndar: beautiful, nice suHbat (n.f.) [A]: companionship, society, conversation subah (n.f.) [A]: morning, dawn suboot (n.m.) [A]: evidence, proof, conviction, constancy, stability subuk (adj.) [P]: light, delicate, trivial, frivolous, futile suhaavanaa: pleasant, lovely suii (f.): injection; needle suii lagaanaa: to have an injection sukhan (n.m.) [P]: speech, words, business, affair sukhan var (adj.): eloquence sukoon (n.m.) [A]: peace, rest, tranquility sukoot (n.f.) [A]: silence, peace, rest, tranquility sulaanaa: to make sleep, lull to sleep sunaaii denaa, pa.Dnaa: to be heard, be audible sunaanaa: to tell, cause to hear, recite sunanaa: to listen, hear surakshhit: safe, secure surat (n.f.) [A]: form, figure, countenance, aspect, manner, plight surkh (adj.) [P]: red suroor (n.m.) [A]: pleasure, joy, exhilaration susar (m.): father-in-law sust (adj.) [P]: loose, frail, lazy, slow, dull suuchit karanaa: to inform suuraj (m.): sun

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suutii: made of cotton suvidhaa (f.): convenience svaagat (m.): welcome svaamii (m.): master, owner, husband, rel. leader svaasthy (m.): health svabhaav (m.): nature, temperament svar (m.): voice, tone, musical note svarg (m.): heaven svargavaas (m.): death (reside in heaven) svargiiy: the late, deceased svasth: healthy, fit svayam: oneself sviikaar (m.): accepted, granted; acceptance sviikaar karanaa: to accept ta'ajjub (n.m.) [A]: wondering, admiration, amazement, surprise ta'alluq (n.m.) [A]: connection, relation, consideration ta'areef (n.f.) [A]: explanation, description, praise, definition ta'n (n.m.) [A]: blame, reproach, censure, chide ta.nduru_st: healthy, fit ta.nduru_stii (f.): health ta.ng aanaa se: to be fed up with, tired of taa'at (n.f.) [A]: obedience, devotion (plu. taa'aat) taab (adj.) [A]: sweet, agreeable, pure, excellent taab (n.f.) [P]: heat, power, endurance, rage taabish (n.f.) [P]: heat, splendour, grief, sorrow taaii (f.): wife of father's younger brother taak (n.f.) [P]: look, regard, aim, view taaki: so that, in order that taalaa (m.): lock taalib (n.m.) [A]: seeker, enquirer, lover, candidate taaq (n.m.) [A]: arch, cupola, niche taaqat (n.f.) [A]: strength, power, might taar (m.): telegram, cable taar denaa: to send a telegram taariK (f.): date taariif (f.): praise taarik (adj.) [P]: dark, obscure taarikh (n.f.) [A]: date, annals taasir (n.f.) [A]: effect, impression taauu (m.): father's younger brother taazaa: fresh taazah (adj.) [P]: fresh, new, tender, happy tab: then tabaah (adj.) [P]: ruined, spoiled, depraved, wretched tabassum (n.m.) [A]: smile, smiling tabdeel (n.f.) [A]: change tabi'at (n.f.) [A]: nature, temperament, disposition tabiyat (f.): health, disposition tadbir (n.f.) [A]: deliberation, opinion, advice, arrangement, order tai.ntaliis: forty-three, 43 tai.ntiis: thirty-three, 33 taiyaar (adj.) [P]: ready, prepared, finished, alert, ripe taiyaar karanaa: to prepare taiyaarii (f.): preparation taiyyaar (adj.) [A]: ready taj (n.m.) [P]: crown, tiara

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tajribah (n.m.) [A]: experience, experiment, test, proof tak: up to, as far as, until, even takht (n.m.) [P]: throne, seat takleef (n.f.) [A]: imposition of a burden, difficulty, inconvenience talaaq (n.f.) [A]: divorce, repudiation talaash (n.f.) [A]: search, inquiry, quest talab (n.f.) [A]: search, inquiry, , wish, demand, request talkh (adj.) [P]: bitter, acrimonious, pungent, unpalatable talvaar (n.f.) [H]: sword tamaam (adj.) [A]: entire, complete, perfect, end tamaashaa (n.m.) [A]: entertainment, fun, amusem*nt, sport, spectacle, show tameez (n.f.) [A]: discernment, judgement, observance of etiquette tan (n.m.) [P]: body tanakhaah (f.): pay, salary tangi (n.f.) [P]: narrowness, hardship, poverty tanhaa (adj.) [P]: alone, solitary tanqiH (n.f.) [A]: cleaning, investigation, inquiry, issue tapaa.n (adj.) [P]: palpitating, throbbing taqaazaa (n.m.) [A]: demanding settlement of a debt, importunity taqaliif (f.): trouble taqaliif denaa: to trouble, bother taqdeer (n.f.) [A]: fate, luck taqriban (adv.) [A]: approximately taqvaa (n.f.) [A]: piety, abstinence, fear of God taraanah (n.m.) [P]: harmony, symphony, a kind of song taraf (n.f.) [A]: side, margin, direction tarah (m.): manner, kind tarah tarah kaa: of various kinds taraqqii (f.): progress, advancement taraqqii karanaa: to progress, advance tarh (n.m.) [A]: manner, mode, form, design, plan tariqah (n.m.) [A]: method, custom, path, way tarjumaan (n.m.) [A]: interpreter tarkaarii (f.): vegetable dish tarkeeb (n.f.) [A]: composition, mixture, plan, mode, method tarraqqee (n.f.) [A]: elevation, promotion, proficiency tars (n.m.) [H]: compassion, pity, mercy tars (n.m.) [P]: fear, terror tarz (n.m.) [A]: manner, fashion, way tasallee (n.f.) [A]: consolation, comfort, satisfaction tasavvuf (n.m.) [A]: mysticism tasavvur (n.m.) [A]: imagination, fancy, idea tashariif laanaa: to grace a place with one's presenc tashariif rakhnaa: to be seated tashreef (n.f.) [A]: honoring tasleem (n.f.) [A]: salutation, greeting, resignation, submission tasveer (n.f.) [A]: picture, portrait, painting tasviir (f.): picture tathaapii: even then, still, yet taubah (n.m.) [P]: repentance taubah taubah (intj.): Heaven forbid! tauheen (n.f.) [A]: disgrace, contempt, defamation, dishonor, insult taur (n.m.) [A]: manner, condition, mode, state teer (n.m.) [P]: arrow tegh (n.m.) [P]: sword, dagger teiis: twenty-three, 23 teraa: your, yours (intimate) terah: thirteen, 13 tez (adj.) [P]: sharp, keen, caustic, pungent, swift, clever

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thaa: was, were thaanaa (m.): police station thailaa (m.): bag thakanaa: to be tired thamaanaa: to hand over the: were thii: was, were thii.n: were tho.Daa: little, few tho.Daa-bahut: a certain amount tho.Daa-saa: a few, a little thuukanaa: to spit tihattar: seventy-three, 73 tiin: three, 3 tiis: thirty, 30 tiisaraa: third, 3rd tiisaraa pahar: in the afternoon tiraanave: ninety-three, 93 tiraasii: eighty-three, 83 tirpan: fifty-three, 53 tirsaTh: sixty-three, 63 tishnagi (n.f.) [A]: thirst, desire, longing tithi (f.): date, lunar day to: then, so, at any rate to.Dnaa (t.): to break toHfaa (n.m.) [A]: a gift toofaan (n.m.) [A]: storm, tempest, hurricane tu.Daanaa: to cause to break tulanaa (f.): comparison tum: you (fam) turat: immediately tuu: you (intimate) tuufaan (m.): storm, typhoon tyauhaar: festival, feast day Ta.Nganaa: to hang, be suspended TaTTii (f.): faeces, stool TaTTii karanaa: to pass faeces Taa.Ng (n.f.) [H]: the leg, a share Taalanaa: to avert, postpone, put off Tahalanaa: to stroll, amble Taiksii (f.): taxi Takaraanaa se: to collide Takkar (n.f.) [H]: collision, encounter, rivalry, competition Takkar laganaa se: a collision to take place Talanaa: to be averted, postponed, put off Tapaknaa (v.) [H]: to leak, to drip, to fall down (fruits) TeRh (n.f.) [H]: crookedness Tha.nD (f.): cold Tha.nDaa (a.): cold Thaharanaa: to stop, stay, wait ThanD (n.f.) [H]: cold, chill Thiik: all right, correct, fine, OK Thiik karanaa: to fix, put right Thiik samay par: punctually, at the right time Thiik se: properly Thiik tarah se: properly

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Thiik-Thaak: all right, fine, shipshape Thikaanaa (n.m.) [H]: fixed abode, proper place, goal, limit Thokar (n.f.) [H]: obstacle, kick, stumble TikaT (m.): ticket, stamp TikaT ghar: ticket office TooT (n.f.) [H]: breaking, fracture, loss Tren (f.): train TuTanaa (i.): to break TukRaa (n.m.) [H]: a piece, a morsel, a part, fraction u.Daanaa: to squander u.Diyaa (f.): the Oriya language u.Ngalii (f.): finger uThaanaa: to lift up, pick up, raise, remove uThanaa: to rise, to get up ubaal (n.m.) [H]: boiling, rage, anger ubaalanaa: to boil ubalanaa: to boil (water etc.), to boil uchit: fitting, proper, right udaar: generous, liberal udaas: sad, gloomy udhar: there, over there ufaq (n.m.) [A]: horizon uftaad (n.f.) [P]: misery, distress, mishap, foundation ugalanaa: to disgorge, vomit out uganaa: to grow ujaaR (adj.) [H]: ruined, waste, abandoned ulaTe: conversely ulaTii (f.): vomiting ulaTii karanaa: to vomit umar (f.): life, lifespan ummiid (n.f.) [P]: hope, expectation, trust ummiidvaar (m.): candidate umr (n.f.) [A]: age, life-time, span of life unachaas: forty-nine, 49 unasaTh: fifty-nine, 59 unataaliis: thirty-nine, 39 unatiis: twenty-nine, 29 unattar: sixty-nine, 69 unniis: nineteen, 19 unyaasii: seventy-nine, 79 upakaar (m.): good, good dead, favour upakaar karanaa: to do a favour uqoobat (n.f.) [A]: punishment, torment, torture urduu (n.f.) [T]: army, camp, the Urdu language urooj (n.m.) [A]: ascension, rising, exaltation uryaan (n.m.) [A]: naked, bare, devoid ustaad (n.m.) [P]: master, professor utaarnaa: to take down, take off (clothes) utanaa: that much utarnaa: to get down,descent,alight uttar (m.): northern, north uttar (m.): reply, answer uu.Nchaa: high, tall (not of people) uubanaa: to be bored uupar: above, up

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va'dah (n.m.) [A]: promise, agreement vaGairah: etc., and so on vaHeed (adj.) [A]: singular, unique, alone vaHshat (n.f.) [A]: solitude, grief, fear, sadness, loneliness vaa (adj.) [P]: open vaa (adv.) [P]: again, back vaa (prep.) [P]: with vaa bastah (adj.): bound together, attached vaa pas (adj.): behind, back, returning again vaa rastah (adj.): free, delivered, escaped, carefree vaa sokht (n.m.): aversion, disgust vaahid (adj.) [A]: unique, one, single, unit vaahimah (n.m.) [A]: imagination, fancy, whim vaajib (adj.) [A]: necessary, obligatory vaajibaat (n.m.) [A]: duties (plu. of waajib) vaajid (adj.) [A]: possessor, creator vaaky (m.): sentence vaalah (adj.) [A]: distracted, mad with love vaalid (n.m.) [A]: father vaalidaa (f.) [A]: mother vaan (suff.) [H]: possessing, endowed with vaapas aanaa: to come back, return vaapas jaanaa: to go back, return vaapas karanaa: to give back, return vaaqi' (adj.) [A]: occuring, happening vaaqi'i (adj.) [A]: true, real, proper, really, actually, truly vaar (n.m.) [H]: blow, attack, stroke vaar (suff.) [P]: like, resembling, possessing vaar (n.m.) [S]: day of the week, moment vaarid (adj.) [A]: coming, arriving, happening vaaridaat (adj.) [A]: events, occurences (plu. of waarid) vaaris (n.m.) [A]: heir vaasiq (adj.) [A]: strong, firm, confident, secure vaastah (n.m.) [A]: account, sake, reason, means, motive vaaste (prep.) [A]: for, for the sake of vaataavaraN (m.): atmosphere vaazih (adj.) [A]: clear, evident, apparent vadood (adj.) [A]: loving, friendly vafaa (n.f.) [A]: fulfilling a promise, fulfilment, fidelity vafaa begaanah (adj.): faithless vafaa daar (adj.): faithful, sincere vafaat (n.f.) [A]: death vaghairah (adv.) [A]: et cetera, and so forth vah: that, he, she, it vahaa.N: there vahii.n: right there, in that very place vahm (n.m.) [A]: imagination, idea, fancy, opinion, fear, suspicion vairaagi (n.m.) [S]: ascetic, recluse vaisaa: of that kind, like that vaise: actually vaishaakh (m.): the month Vaishak (Apr-May) vaj-h (n.m.) [A]: cause, reason, mode, manner, face, appearance vajaahat (n.f.) [A]: dignity, respect, beauty vajd (n.m.) [A]: ecstasy, rapture, excessive love vajeeh (n.m.) [A]: handsome, respectable, good appearance vakaalat (n.f.) [A]: advocacy, attorneyship vakeel (n.m.) [A]: lawyer, attorney

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valee (n.m.) [A]: lord, prince, master, friend, guardian vaqf (n.m.) [A]: religious bequest vaqt (n.m.) [A]: time, term, season, hour, opportunity var (suff.) [P]: possessing, having varNan (m.): description varnah (adv.) [P]: and if not, otherwise varshh (m.): year vaseem (adj.) [A]: handsome, fine countenance vasf (n.m.) [A]: praise, merit, virtue vash (suff.) [P]: like, resembling vasiyyat (n.f.) [A]: testament, last will, legacy, bequest vatan (n.m.) [A]: native country vaza' (n.f.) [A]: state, position, situation vazaahat (n.f.) [A]: vivid description vazn (n.m.) [A]: weight, measure, metre, rhyme, esteem, honor ve: those, they; he, she (honorific) veeraan (adj.) [P]: desolate, ruined veeraanah (n.m.) [P]: a ruined place veeraani (n.f.) [P]: desolation, destruction, ruin vetan (m.): wage, salary, pay viabhiann: various vichaar (m.): thought, idea, opinion vidaa' (n.m.) [A]: farewell vidaad (n.f.) [A]: friendship, love, affection videsh (m.): foreign country videshii (m.): foreigner; foreign vidyaarthii (m.): student vijdaan (n.m.) [A]: ecstasy, rapture, intuition vijhaapan (m.): advertisem*nt vilaayat (n.f.) [A]: a foreign country, abroad, realm, union with God viraajanaa: to grace (a place w, presence) visheshh: special, particular vishhay: subject vishvaas: belief, trust, confidence vivaah (m.): wedding, marriage voT (m.): vote voT denaa: to vote, give a vote vujood (n.m.) [A]: existence, essence, being vusool (n.m.) [A]: collection, acquisition vyaakaraN (m.): grammar vyaapaar (m.): trade vyaapaar karanaa: to trade vyaapaarii (m.): businessman vyakti (m.): person, individual vyast: busy ya'ni (adv.) [A]: namely, that is to say yaa (intj.) [A]: O! yaa (conj.) [P]: either, or yaa: or yaa to .. yaa: either .. or yaad (n.f.) [P]: remembrance, memory, recollection yaad (f.): memory, recollection yaad aanaa: to come to mind, recur to memory yaad daasht (n.f.): a note, memorandum, memory yaad dilaanaa: to remind yaad gaar [ ]: memorial, souvenir, keepsake

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yaad honaa: to be remembered, recalled yaad karanaa: to memorise, learn by heart yaad rahanaa: to remain remembered yaad rakhanaa: to bear in mind yaaghi (n.m.) [T]: rebel, enemy yaaqoot (n.m.) [P]: ruby, garnet yaar (n.m.) [P]: friend, lover, companion, mate yaaraa (n.m.) [P]: strength, courage, power yaaraanah (adv.) [P]: friendly yaaraanah (n.m.) [P]: friendship yaari (n.f.) [P]: friendship, assistance, love, intrigue yaas (n.f.) [A]: despair, fear, terror yaatraa (f.): journey, travel yaatraa karanaa: to travel yaatrii (m.): traveller yaavah (adj.) [P]: absurd, vain, futile, lost, ruined yaavar (adj.) [P]: aiding, friendly yaavar (n.m.) [P]: assistant, companion, friend yaavari (n.f.) [P]: favor, assistance, friendship yad (n.m.) [A]: hand, power, authority, protection, succor yadi: if yadyapi: although yagaanah (adj.) [P]: unique, single, sole, agreed, unequalled yagaanah (n.m.) [P]: kinsman, kindred yah: this, he, she, it yahaa.N: here yahaa.N tak ki: to the point .. extent that yahii.n: right here, in this very place yak (adj.) [P]: one, a, an yak dil (adj.): unanimous yak jaan (adj.): one soul yak lakht (adv.): all at once, suddenly yak rukhee (adj.): one-sided yak sar (adj.): all at once yak soo (adj.): on one side, aside yak zabaan (adj.): uniform opinion or speech yaktaa (adj.) [P]: single, unique, matchless, incomparable yamin (n.m.) [A]: right hand; oath yamunaa (f.): the river Yamuna yaqin (n.m.) [A]: certainity, assurance, truth, confidence, trust yaqinan (adv.): certainly, verily, assuredly, indeed yasaar (n.m.) [A]: left, left hand; affluence, opulence yash: fame, reputation yataamaa (n.m.) [A]: orphans (plu. of yateem) yateem (n.m.) [A]: orphan yaum (n.m.) [A]: a day yazdaan (n.m.) [P]: God ye: these, they; he, she (honorific) yogadaan (m.): contribution yogy: capable, worth, suitable, worthy yoorish (n.f.) [T]: assault, storm, invasion yumn (n.m.) [A]: felicity, prosperity, good luck yuvak (m.): youth; young man za'if (adj.) [A]: weak, infirm, feeble, old, faint zaHmat (n.f.) [A]: uneasiness of mind, trouble, pain zaa'i (adj.) [A]: lost, destroyed, wasted, fruitless

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zaabit (adj.) [A]: strict, punctual, patient, disciplinarian zaabit (n.m.) [A]: governor, master, possessor zaabitah (n.m.) [A]: rule, custom, canon, law, code zaahir (adj.) [A]: manifest, clear, evident zaahiraa (adv.) [A]: outwardly, manifestly zaakir (adj.) [A]: remembering, grateful zaakir (n.m.) [A]: grateful person, obe who praises God zaalim (n.m.) [A]: tyrant, oppressor zaamin (n.m.) [A]: sponsor, surety, guarantor zaar (n.m.) [P]: weeping, lamentation, garden, desire, wish zaat (n.f.) [A]: being endowed with, soul, self, caste, race zaati (adj.) [A]: innate, inherent, essential, natural zabaan (n.f.) [P]: tongue, language, flame (of a candle) zabar (n.m.) [P]: above, superior, greater, top zabardast (adj.): vigorous, violent, tyrranical, superior zadah (adj.) [P]: struck, stricken, oppressed zafar (n.m.) [A]: victory, triumph, gain zaheer (n.m.) [A]: ally, associate zahr (n.m.) [P]: poison zakhm (n.m.) [P]: wound, damage, loss zalaal (n.m.) [A]: error, fault, vice zaleel (adj.) [A]: abject, base, wretched, contemptible zamaanaa (m.): period, time zamaanah (n.m.) [P]: time, age, period zamaanat (n.f.) [A]: surety, bond zameen (n.f.) [P]: ground, earth zameer (n.f.) [A]: mind, heart, thought, reflection, sense zamiin (f.): land, earth, ground zanjeer (n.f.) [P]: chain zann (n.m.) [A]: suspicion zaoo (n.f.) [A]: light, sunlight zar (n.m.) [P]: gold zaraa: just, a little zarar (n.m.) [A]: injury, damage, harm, affliction, loss, ruin zarb (n.f.) [A]: injury, beating, impression (plu. zarbaat) zarif (adj.) [A]: witty, subtle, fine zaroor (adj.) [A]: necessary, expedient, needful zaroor (adv.) [A]: certainly, absolutely zaroorat (n.f.) [A]: need, compulsion, want, exigency zaruur: of course, certainly zaruurat (f.): need, necessity zaruurii: important, necessary, urgent zauq (n.m.) [A]: taste zebaa (adj.) [P]: adorned, beautiful, proper, graceful zeenat (n.f.) [A]: decoration, beauty zeeq (n.f.) [A]: anguish, melancholy, zehn (n.m.) [A]: acumen, wit, sagacity, understanding zhaalah (n.m.) [P]: hail, dew, frost zharf (n.m.) [P]: deep, penetrating, acute of mind zhiyaan (adj.) [P]: terrible, furious, angry, rapacious zholeedah (adj.) [P]: dishevelled, entangled, intricate zi.ndaa: alive zi.ndagii (f.): life zidd (n.f.) [A]: the contrary, opposition, stubborness zikr (n.m.) [A]: remembrance, memory, Qur'an recital zikr (m.): mention, reference zillaat (n.f.) [A]: insult, dishonor, affront, abjectness zindaan (n.m.) [P]: prison, jail zindagi (n.f.) [P]: life, living, existence

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zindah (adj.) [P]: alive, living zinhaar (adv.) [P]: never, by no means zinhaar (intj.) [P]: beware! ziyaa (n.f.) [A]: light, splendour, brilliancy ziyaadah (adj.) [P]: too much, more, excessive ziyaarat (n.f.) [A]: pilgrimage, visit (a shrine) zood (adv.) [P]: quickly, soon, suddenly zor (n.m.) [P]: force, strength, power, influence, stress zor se: forcefully, loudly zoro.n se: forcefully, heavily zu'f (n.m.) [A]: weakness, feebleness zukaam (n.m.) [A]: cold, catarrh zulf (n.f.) [P]: curl, ringlet, tress zulm (n.m) [A]: oppression, tyranny zyaadaa: more, much, too much zyaadaa se zyaadaa: at the most zyaadaatar: mostly, most -bhar (s.): full, whole, complete -saa: like, -ish

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Name: Tish Haag

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Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.