The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York (2024)

THE BROOKLYN DAILY EAGLE. NEW YORK. WEDNESDAY, MARCH A 1924. NO the fence and hegan sniiling with his nose close lo the ground. "Get out of hire, you good-for-nothing tramp." yrowied big Hover, "and if 1 catch you around here Sandman Story for Tonight it'-ruin we will bury you Jioxt timo iu-ttcaii of 111108." Tramp Dog did nnt even look hack.

lit1 ran. and the last they fiiw of him springing: out from Ins hiding place, he was still running, but Is'ed Dog planted no more bones or burled them. He took Rover Dog's advice and ate them when he pot thein. (f'opyriffht, 1 924. by the McClure Xrws-pajier Syndicate, New York City.) THE YOUNG DOUGLASES FEAR CF By HELEN HUGHES I i -1 1 IJMrn to a lladlo Talk on Ucmi-n in Politics.

TEACHER SENDING KER HOME pantry prorIaim'il with hiih INrtha Jimi work to k'' off lo the Kitchen h-- haste dene her I USE KIL-VE on her such a hurry to get to the movi-s you neglect our "I'll fix it up before I so to bed. But if I don't get there t-aiiy. I dor't get a seat, and it- was night off." Back in the Jiving room Bet'v thought that man on the radio had of Berthas If sIim had voted, she would have done jat as her ignorant bad voted as Phil lold hn to. Slit had tood mind, as ab." iea.

jf all mothers flirt the same, rhiidren NED DOG AND HiS GARDEN Part IT WAS iirnty hard for NmI Dog lo keep away from that jarilen lie expect, -a lo have. Tin; only viny lie c-ouki go t.h,re was to plant another lame, for Tramp J)i(? hail loiil him never seeii to grow that are watt lied." One the la iner wife pm a liig hum hone in Dog's il was very lianl not to eat that hone, but visions of a garden full Mid a feast the rest of the summer made him trnaw it only u. little mirl 4k noma not on their hfaiis. KIL-VE it a non-oily, oon-stit Ly vermin OVh'S. Tin I bad telephoned he wouldn't he tiuun until the last train, and It was to sit alone when she have yone over to AIad-'s.

thai sne- must spend "1 With mine I when lie had heard Nad Dog's story about Tramp Dop 'the garden. "He waited until you were out oi sitilit and then dug It up and of! lie wen; with it." "But the other bone is gone, loo." iraid Ned, sadly. 'O'f course it's gone. That tramp dog- conies around every once in so long a time, and he knew you would bury another bone near that place iitid he just nosed about and founu it." said wise Hover. "He luld me not to cali it 'burying bone'; to say I 'planted la there nny differewe?" asked Ned Dos.

"1" they grow better if you bury them, "Not a bit. my boy," said Rover. "He just fooled you into believing that you could raise bones. You c.n't, and the next time you get a hone eat it. Don't bury it or tlant it.

"There are dogs who bury bones t.r.d then dig them up, but I don't ui nair, ro Sue comb needed it 1CIL-VE is I'pn be arnmrd to suit for It. At I evi-uinu alone. Betty sat down in uin( store jac, 05c and ifl.Z.S. form her own opinions. why shouldn't she do if When Phil in she would have a.

ta'k with him and see what he thought about tilnv; i ooin. She wasn't in the mood to fad, sIim didn't cur for the ra- iu in tact, she held a grudge against it because it. kept her iron iM'iiiK into town to conceits, etc. i-Mie moved about restlessly for i hue. switched on a station she HAD to do something.

then trot on villi it to the plate "here the tine hone was Ned Hog eyed the spot where the other bono had been' planted, but UtaV A woman's otce. telling children's Each Customer an Individual Personality In its dealings with customers the Manufacturers Trust Company considers that each has' an individual personality. At times problems and requirements arise that need special individual service. No Customer's account is too small to receive the personal attention of our officers when occasion requires. For that reason our officers are always available to those who want to know just how our varicjs services can be helpful to them and the undersigned is available at any office by special appointment.

NATHAN S. JONAS, President A Trick That You Can Do like that way. I Just eat them when I have them. A bone on your plate is worlh two buried, for the chances are that the other dog will come storits. iiow foolish! Most children the ay to enjoy them should be in b-d by that time.

Hut nbe hec-'ime intei est et- ihey -were new to her. uiul of eours mothers Could listen a nd at lie stories. It was tin- alonir and find it before you get back to ii up. so you take my advice. The Slate Mystery knew he must not watch il, so after clawing the earth over ihe new lilantins he hurried hack to his house for fear he would not be able to re-fist the temptation of dicing it up and eating it.

Not long after this Ned )o(f found another nice bone tn hi plate, and. tlioiiKll i' was hard to resist cut in it. he trotted off to the garden and planted it. As he was coming Ned, and eat youe bone when you Ui't it." "Here comes that tramp, now," growled Ned. "Keep quiet." said Rover, "and let i'im get to nosing about for a minute.

Then we will give him a good and you won't be bothered with him again. I can tell you." Tramp Dug came sneaking under joining the club. etc. "I have been listening to a man talk politics on the radio!" Hhtuad scarcely allowed him time to rcr.iov-his coat. "Glad you are growing sensible about it.

You've done nothing but kick ever since I bought it." "That was because rt kept us at home. But Bertha went to ie movies, so 1 had to stay in all th-evening, and there was nothing eU to do." "Judging from your tone hen yon spoke of listening, yon weren't mo much of a martyr as you mak-out." "He called women sia kers f3 ns! hey don't know bow 'he vote now They hne i'. lb- Ihev didn't form their own opinions, etc." You know Bertha voied ih last time, so I asked her wh.j she voted for and why. Phe didn't pvaii know the man's name, had votsa just as Jim told her to." "Ha ha Jim's a cagy bird." "I think I shall join the political club. I want to know what I am doing, not vote as you tell me." "Belter tay at home and tak" care of the house.

If you do tliar vou'll have your hands full without meddling in politics. If you wani. io vote, I'll coach you; but all this stuff vomen are yetting into their heads about voting, doing men's work, makes me tired." "You wouldn't Talk so if you had cast a look Just -e if the boni ADVKRTIsem*nT. How Fat Actress Was Made Slim any situs oi coming up. as ihe things did his muster's garden, and then il was that Ned's' sharp yes saw that'the larth in two places looked as if it had been newly fetatched over.

Ned walked back and sniffed. Some one had be. here. Could it be that some don had dmt up his plantings? it was loo much: lie jiist. had to know.

Ned Dog beffau id di'K. Hfl dtis up much more earth, he was sure, than he had dus in planting, but no hone was there. Then he dug up the plats where Tramp 1i.jc had planted tne lirst bone lot liiin tliere was no bone there either. then nlone e-inie amtfacturers Mnnv stair people now depend entirely uptin MarmulH. Prt-arriptlon Tablets tor re-(IiH-inif and rontrolllnff fat.

One davitr i. 1 1 hi a ring hat woman a sc- plainly. A male quartette followed. That wiM rall She had always cured i re for male than I finale voiecs. 1 he sitntjs were gay.

rotliek-iiiZ. and she artful to te lonHy as mIk listened. A ian speaking. Hi it.y kn hiile about polities aivtJ I-ss. But something taid a ny Ijer ul ention.

'Women should instruct 1'nem-s. Ives before they use the vote, she vo: went on, a pleasing voice, full, i-fKoiian: They hold a great powe in their hands today, and they siioutd rruitzt it. Women claim the vote and say that they know how to use ir as well as the uneducated meit and foreigners who have taken oui oil ixenship papers. They do not ti'Ue into account the difference ir. environment and the fact thai, men of this class are surrounded by men brains to direct them.

What are the intelligent women doing to dh tect. the vote of their less fortunate feistrs? Nothing!" FJefty herself had used the sama old argument: that women knew as much as the class ment ioned, und that because women owned property, raid taxes, they had a right to vote. When the radio speaker spoke of this he also declared "So they have, if they vote intelligently. But do they? Aren't the 8aye.d by their personal likes and dislikes, mostly gained from newspapers who condemn or praise men for office according to the politics of their paper? Do women look up, a man's record Do they make their decisions after doing so? They looiv at his picture and, if he is good- aclress tell that she reduced steadily and by imlns; this new form of th famous Zuuist Company Aimmoia rrescnption. ana now.

by taking Mirmola Prescription Tablets several tlmiK heard ihafman talk." the dog who lived down the road end sometimes came to nlav with a year, keeps her weight Just right. All goncl iJriiKfirlotn nell Marmola Prescription Tablets at one dollar for a box or If you prefer you ran shouts them direct from tho "Probably some politician ta'king for votes for himself. Oome on lo d. I'm al! fn. b'irst thing we know you women will be wearing the parts, and we'll we washing the Ned Dosr.

and tu him hi troubles. 4tiia wooawam uerrolt. MIt h. If you have not tried them do so. They are harmless and effective.

Adv. "Koolod you. my boy." said Hover, BORO OF QUEENS 1696 Myrtle corner Cypres Ridge wood EORO OF MANHATTAN 139 Broadway, at Cedar Street 481 Eighth corner 34th St. 383 Fourth cornet 27th St. 313 Fifth corner 43rd St.

413 Broadway, corner Canal St. BORO OF BROOKLYN 774 Broadway, corner Sumner Ave. 84 Broadway, corner Berry Street 223 Havemeyer netr Broadway 710 Grind near Graham Ave. 190 Joralemon Street BORO CF BRONX But. Phil "But me no buts! You're cu out for a wife and mother.

Forget politics. Gee! but I'm sleepy." "Lots of encouragement I get io Thii Is a stunt suitable for a parlor entertainment of tricks. It requires a Utile preparation an-l it should be weil practiced beforo Ib presented. Two stati'S are shown. The trick-eier makes a chalk marlc on boi aides of each slate and then wipns the chalk mark out.

using a wet sponge. This is to show the lack of chemical preparation. Hi; places one slate on top of the other and asks a spectator to hold them until the conclusion of the trick. lie. then declares that a spirit lias a message for the company and will writs the message on one of the slates.

After a reasonable time has elapsed, the trickster takes the slates and separates them. On the lower side of the upper slate the message, which may be frivolous or sorioiiy according to the trickster's desires, is sen. The secret is a simple one. A 1042 Westchester corner Southern Boulevard; improve myself," Betty grumbled. "Don want you improved, tove 9 you as you are.

lis (Copyright, 9H, hy the Eastment Syndicate. Friday Madge Fulton Introduces FOOD DEPARTMENT STORES Hetty to a New Tea Koorn. And Hetty Proves fler Good Judgment FLATBUSH-CENTRAI, MARKET 933 Flatbush Avenue Bet. Church and Snyder Ave. FLTTON-NOSTRAND MARKET 1268 Fulton Street Near Noatrasd Are.

to Phil). ton they vote for him. The applause, the laughter eame with startling plainness. sn STERLING 8060 THURSDAY'S OFFERINGS It PPPERS SEABOARD .1110 IlKlWKTMKSTS KWf'Y MII.K 1 Kl VfllNd IKYINi; llKKF.VS.. MII1RT 11 1 SItiAK IKDII SMI1KI 11 TONtilES.

Till' KOI Ml STKAKS Cut 1 mm Iit Hirers IIKKAKTH NKt'KS of OKMIVK piece of black cardboard, just the rolor of the state surface and cut to exactly in the frame of a slate is used. The message is written on the elate and the cardboard called the "flap." is placed over it. When the trickster displays the states, he kfeps the flap in place with his fingers. After markingr on the slates and wlpin the marks off. He places the prepared slate, flap side uppermost, on the table.

On this the other elate is placed. When he picks 'he elates up, he turns them over. ThP flap falls on the slate, which is now undermost, leaving the writing ready for the conclusion of the trick. (Clip thin out and parte it, with other of th nerien in a tcrapbook.) Sin lb. ii.

III. ISc lb. IiKIII KIIV IIKl'AKTMJ NTS Si OAK OK.N Xil. i MlK .2 for ISO- Id IT Kit AMI Kfill HOWN" I1KAMI HI AM 111:1 BAKKKY IKPAKTMKNT I tiitlinli Onlv OH KAISIN PI Kit I'OI XII I.AVLU AKK Wnh YMiipped t'rfani. llj.

-84r en. Is Especially Made(for Home Use Do Not Accept Miicellaneous co*ke, Prompt Deliveries DKI.lf'ATKlKN OKI' HTMKNT Flat'dliah Only OI.IMIIIA Kl Kit SALMON I KKSII SIIKIMI' SAI.AIl Yltli A. II. ln-init .8 ram 3Se, fl for line 40e. III.

"Do our better class of women ih considerable numbers th asked after a bit. "Do thev not excuse themselves because of the crowds at the inclemni weather? Do nor women, because they dislike to stand in a common rowd, fail to use the franchise they iwijjht to obtain? Slackers! just r.s surely as men who refuse to vote are siaekers." She had been a slacker, all right, hnd retused to join the woman' tical club, to be informed upon politics, pb'uding she hadn't time, fearful she would bp bored. Yet she had time for bridge, man jong ana other things. 1 She no longer tried to listen, us hp voice went on. Perhaps she had the club.

Somewav sht-r'elt rather ashamed of i.erself. A slacker! Bertha was back; she heard her moving about in the kitchen. Turning off the radio, she joined her. "Whom did you vote for the other day. Bertha?" forgit his name." "Why did you vote for him?" "Jim told me to." blushing.

Jim was the policeman on the beat, and very friendly with Bertha. Phil always declared her cooking pleased him. "You didn't know anything about the man. whether he was a good man for the place or not?" "No, ma'am! Jim said he was all right, that it wasn't necessary for a woman to do anything but vote like she was "I'm I see. Do make your kitchen more tidy, Bertha.

You are in -at A3 YKGKTAISl.K 1)H'A RTM KNT lathuuli Only PKKXII MI NIIKOOMS h(Hie 4J TIME FLIES BEAT TIME TO IT SHOP A. M. 'fsrA .10 THRFJE MEN ARE FIXED. Freeport, L. March 4 David G.

Bonqulst and Joseph Stellman of Wantagh and Frank E. Mahler of Bellmore were fined $10 each by Judge AJbin N. Johnson in the Police Court yesterday. The men were arrested Sunday night upon the charge of the manager of the Freeport Theater. The latter claimed that the men were stampeding the house.

SINGIX CLASS MEETS. The People's Singing Class met last night at P. 8. 15, Sciarmerhorn St. and 3d for the fifth lesson of this season's course.

1 nder the direction of Wilber A. i-uy tcr. The classes are under The auspices of the Board of Education and ere for those who wish to learn sight reading and chorus singing. mm eirl Per Net Ton in the Bin koppers seaboard co*ke Company 504 Union Brooklyn, N. Y.

Phone South 8636 and Finally They Come to Know It! COLGATE'S 9 9 The Soencer can hmJ to replic th preient boiler in your tteim, vapor or hoc wttc haatinf Tttcm. THERE'S NOTHINQ Safe for a Lifetime! SAFETY is the important thing to consider in your dental cream. A gritty dentifrice may clean with greater speed than Colgate's so would an emery wheel. Grit scrapes teeth clean but it also scrapes enamel. Choose a dental cream that tleans by gently rather than by the scouring action of harsh grit.

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For more than 25 years Spencsr Heaters, burning No. 1 Buckwheat, have successfully heated buildings of every type large and small homes, apartments, fores, churches, public buildings and industrial plants in all parts of the country. More than 30,000 successful installations have proved that Spencer design, construction and operation are correct. The fans, no blowers to break down and caue trouble. It is simply an efficient heater designed Especially to burn No.

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The Brooklyn Daily Eagle from Brooklyn, New York (2024)


Does the Brooklyn Eagle still exist? ›

The original Eagle ceased publication in 1955. The brand was resurrected in 1996 and merged with the Brooklyn Daily Bulletin, which began publication in 1955. Sign up for our newsletter, delivered each weekday morning with everything you need to live, work and play in Brooklyn.

Which libraries provide the full text of the newspaper the Brooklyn Daily Eagle from 1841 to 1955? ›

Brooklyn Newsstand (2,402,000 digitized pages) contains 44 newspaper titles-including the full run of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle newspaper (1841-1963) and Brooklyn Life (1890-1931), a Brooklyn Society Magazine. Learn more about the history of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle.

Is the Brooklyn Eagle free? › is typically a subscription-based database, but through our partnership anyone searching the database via the Brooklyn Newsstand website will have free access to the Brooklyn Daily Eagle newspaper and Brooklyn Life, and free onsite access for the Newspaper titles listed above.

What is the history of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle? ›

Founded in 1841 by Isaac Van Anden and Henry Cruse Murphy, The Brooklyn Daily Eagle was published as a daily newspaper for 114 consecutive years without missing a single edition.

Does the Golden Eagle still exist? ›

Based on these data, we can estimate that there are roughly 30,000 golden eagles across the United States.

Is the American bald eagle still alive? ›

Bald eagles once teetered on the brink of extinction, reaching an all-time low of 417 known nesting pairs in 1963 in the lower 48 states. Now, the bald eagle population has climbed to an estimated 316,700 individual bald eagles, including 71,400 nesting pairs.

How old is the Brooklyn library? ›

Brooklyn Public Library is among the borough's most democratic civic institutions, serving patrons in every neighborhood and from every walk of life. Established in 1896, BPL is one of the nation's largest public library systems and currently has more than 620,000 active cardholders.

How many books does the Brooklyn library have? ›

The library is the nation's fifth largest library system, with 928,740 patrons attending programs annually, 15.2 million books in circulation, and 8.7 million library visits a year.

What was the first free public library in America? ›

Franklin's town meeting voted to lend the books to all Franklin inhabitants free of charge in 1790, and this small collection can therefore be considered the first public library in the United States and is now known as the Franklin Public Library.

What is the free limit for Eagle? ›

Eagle Free vs Paid
FeatureEagle FreeEagle Professional
Board size100 x 80 mmAny size
Schematic sheets1Unlimited
Library partsLimitedOver 7000
2 more rows

Does Brooklyn have a newspaper? › is the go-to site for Brooklyn news and events. Brooklyn Paper is powered by the journalists at the award-winning Brooklyn Paper, Park Slope Courier, Bay Ridge Courier, Bay News, Mill Basin Marine Park Courier and Brooklyn Graphic newspapers.

What was the chain of friendship published in the American newspaper the Brooklyn Eagle in July 1914? ›

This cartoon - 'A Chain of Friendship' - appeared in the American newspaper the Brooklyn Eagle in July 1914. The caption read: “If Austria attacks Serbia, Russia will fall upon Austria, Germany upon Russia, and France and England upon Germany.”

What is the Russian newspaper in Brooklyn? ›

Russian Bazaar Newspaper is a local publication based in Brooklyn, NY, providing news and information to the Russian-speaking community. With a focus on community events, cultural happenings, and local news, Russian Bazaar Newspaper serves as a source of connection and information for its readers.

What is the history of the American Eagle? ›

One of the first displays of an eagle in the United States dates back to a Massachusetts copper cent stamped in 1776. In 1782, Charles Thomson – the secretary of Congress – was tasked with helping design an official seal for the developing nation.

Does American Eagle still exist? ›

AEO operates stores in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and Hong Kong, and ships to 81 countries worldwide through its websites. American Eagle and Aerie merchandise also is available at more than 200 international locations operated by licensees in 24 countries.

What is the Eagle in New York? ›

Bald eagles can be found in NY year-round, with large numbers often congregating in winter. Golden eagles are migratory species, and are rarely found in the state from May to September. They are typically observed in late fall and early spring, although a small number do over-winter.


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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.